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  1. #1
    Stormreach Advisor
    winsom's Avatar
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    Default Pets & Minions suggestions

    Damage Upgrades Needed

    I think the Pale Master minions do not attack fast enough to be useful. If it is not possible to significantly increase attack speed then damage-per-attack should go up a lot. Is the frost knight/archer inflicting cold damage + physical damage per attack? They should.

    I went solo-exploring in the Vale to watch how well the pets and minions can fight. It takes a long time for a 16th level barbarian henchman AND a frost knight minion to kill a single monster. Together they are almost-unable to kill a regenerating troll.

    I really enjoy the new Summon Monster choices. I think some of the AI should be tweaked so they cast more or less and attack more often or less. That is a "problem" with DDO monsters in general. Many do not attack fast enough to pose a reasonable threat (by D&D standards). The WF Barbarian 16th seems great at surviving and a bit weak at damage-dealing. I wish melee pets (i.e. CR 18 skeleton) would be a bit more like him but they are far worse off..

    Let us equip our minions !

    I wish to be able to give weapons to my pets and minions to enhance their damage and let them overcome DR.

    A "Clone Weapon" ritual at an Altar would be very useful. Let us create a bound weapon that is only wieldable by pets and minions (as appropriate). When the pet dies the item should be lootable from the ground so we can give to a new pet.

    Incomplete Minion Immunities and abilities

    Shouldn't the Summon 9 eladrin be immune to Hold Monster via Freedom of Movement?

    Could you update the Eladrin AI so it will cast Heal on PCs every now and then? I think I saw her heal another minion that was traveling with me...but never a player character.

    Elementals are supposed to be immune to paralysis.
    Last edited by winsom; 11-15-2010 at 04:07 PM.
    Nightshayde, Wiz 24 (Ghallanda), Kyonna, Dru 24, Irnaetha, Mnk 19, Drelzna Art12/Rog2, Aurelyn, Pal11/Ftr2, Eidoloni, Rog 17, Tymore, Sor 20 (Khyber)

  2. #2
    Community Member Shishizaru's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Are elementals immune to paralysis? I'm pretty sure I've paralyzed every kind of elemental you could run into.

  3. #3
    Stormreach Advisor
    winsom's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    from the 3.5 rules SRD:

    "An elemental possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
    • Darkvision out to 60 feet.
    • Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning.
    • Not subject to critical hits or flanking."
    • Quote Originally Posted by Shishizaru View Post
      Are elementals immune to paralysis? I'm pretty sure I've paralyzed every kind of elemental you could run into.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    The fast healing should work again for mephits and a fireelemental should be healed if standing in your own firewall maybe ? However all summons should be much stronger, I tested those in searing heights, a CR3 black wolf can damage a CR12 earth elemental and the CR16 fireelemental has had to hit with 6-7 fireballs to kill a CR6 hobgoblin. I think this show enough about how weak summons are. Where's the earth elementals DR and why such bad damage.. Summons should be able to cause much more damage and have more reductions or immunities like in true D&D. A skilled playercharacter is stronger anyway even if you make them as strong as used to be in core rules or like hard/elite dungeon versions of it.

    And please remove the mana from some of the summons and give them back their unlimited ability uses. It would just not make any sense for a fireelemental to stop attacks once mana is depleted and well I only saw it cast fireballs so what if mana is depleted if it manage to live long enough ? Does it just do nothing then ?

    Well. And enhancement summons should always be able to have same time as spell summons, so defenders + summon should work for example.

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