Damage Upgrades Needed
I think the Pale Master minions do not attack fast enough to be useful. If it is not possible to significantly increase attack speed then damage-per-attack should go up a lot. Is the frost knight/archer inflicting cold damage + physical damage per attack? They should.
I went solo-exploring in the Vale to watch how well the pets and minions can fight. It takes a long time for a 16th level barbarian henchman AND a frost knight minion to kill a single monster. Together they are almost-unable to kill a regenerating troll.
I really enjoy the new Summon Monster choices. I think some of the AI should be tweaked so they cast more or less and attack more often or less. That is a "problem" with DDO monsters in general. Many do not attack fast enough to pose a reasonable threat (by D&D standards). The WF Barbarian 16th seems great at surviving and a bit weak at damage-dealing. I wish melee pets (i.e. CR 18 skeleton) would be a bit more like him but they are far worse off..
Let us equip our minions !
I wish to be able to give weapons to my pets and minions to enhance their damage and let them overcome DR.
A "Clone Weapon" ritual at an Altar would be very useful. Let us create a bound weapon that is only wieldable by pets and minions (as appropriate). When the pet dies the item should be lootable from the ground so we can give to a new pet.
Incomplete Minion Immunities and abilities
Shouldn't the Summon 9 eladrin be immune to Hold Monster via Freedom of Movement?
Could you update the Eladrin AI so it will cast Heal on PCs every now and then? I think I saw her heal another minion that was traveling with me...but never a player character.
Elementals are supposed to be immune to paralysis.