why the rogue need UMD i didnt get it?
why the rogue need UMD i didnt get it?
Rogues get UMD as a class skill.
All classes benefit from UMD. (Some don't need it but they can benefit from it)
Hence, get UMD.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
stoneskin wands, heal scrolls, repair scrolls, restoration scrolls, teleport scrolls, equiping race and alignment restricted items, raise dead scrolls....the list goes on.
Since rogues get an huge number of skill points and UMD as a class skill they are basically idiots if they don't take it.
You mean you don't "get it" why it's good, or...
You don't get it, meaning that you thought it would be automatic (didn't recieve it).
You need to put points into it for it to get better. It's good because you can then cast scrolls, including Heal, Raise Dead, many useful buffs, etc. Also allows you to wear items that are race restricted, so you can get better stat bumps at earlier levels.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
To equip that awesome item you found in a chest that says "Warforged only" when you're a fleshie. To use heal wands when you're solo or healer is OOM.
UMD is probably the best skill in the game. Everyone wants it, but a rogue has the luxery of taking it up to full easily (and bards and some other builds who can squeeze out a lot of skill pts).
I max UMD on my rogue because I was told that people would make fun of me if I didn't.
"Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk
Ignoring Heal Scrolls and Raise Dead, one word:
It is incredibly convinient. It will totally transform your gameplay. You can bind anywhere (I'm bound in Reaver's Refuge), you can be anywhere within seconds, there's just no describing how awesome an ability it is.
i was told UMD shuld be near maxed out if not maxed on rogues because it helps later on in levels where you self heal/buff without the need of clerics also it helps if you want to (if your good) at some difficult solos.
I have seen those TP scrolls elsewhere too, i think it was in amrath, at the arcane vendor.
It's the Shop Entereance in House J, near the Redwillow's Ruins quest and the Cleric trainer.
Teleportation also allows access to the Portable Hole, which has higher level and even more useful scrolls like GH, Shadowwalk, Greater Teleport, and others.
Guild arcane scroll vendor is my dealer of choice for teleport scrolls.
I use UMD for:
equiping gear I couldn't otherwise use - speaks for itself
Using wands - I can cure mine and other people's curses, poisons and diseases quickly and at range. Healers like that. I can also buff myself with resists - stoneskin for damage, elemental resists for other stuff. Also can heal myself and other people with cure critical wands - better than the cure critical potions
Using scrolls - I can teleport. Really - you need to try it. Greater teleport - get everyone where they need to go, no fuss. Heal scrolls - cannot over-emphasise the use of this one. Raise dead scrolls - likewise - these two abilities have saved many a group from wipe. Helped a lot in raids too. Greater heroism - sure I have a clickie, but if I need another shot and there isn't an arcane around... Master's touch - instant competancy with the non-exotic weapon of your choice and lasts until you rest. Mass invisibility - sneaking is slow and over-rated. Tenser's is fun, but doesn't last long enough
I try out other stuff to see if it's worthwhile - UMD gives you freedom. It also lets you rez the cleric after they've run into the trap you just warned them about. Handy if you haven't reached a shrine yet.
EDIT: Forgot restoration scrolls and shield wands (magic missile immunity),
Last edited by RandomKeypress; 11-15-2010 at 04:52 PM.