I've done this with a full group of level fours on elite near 100 times without zerging and without any deaths.
I've done this with a full group of level fours on elite near 100 times without zerging and without any deaths.
Thought of Al Frankin when I saw this.
Thelanis/Anndii 18 FvS Evoker - Ferrocious 20 Sorcerer
Sarlona/Pherrocious TR Artificer in progress - Heborric 20 Rogue -Aparal 20 FvS
I've got thin skin, being sensitive.
I always have.
Perhaps that is why I try to sense myself, pointing out my better qualities.
Lord knows how much I've ridiculed myself.
Try looking in the mirror some times.
When you do, you may just come out and tell people about it,
Especialy to those who can relate.
I feel like many people in this game can be proud of themselves.
We are gamers.
What are you proud of about yourself related to DDO?
I can tell you what makes me proud so far in the game.
The fact that I've reached lvl 20 while being F2P.
And doing that whithout my sorcerer as a savant
Q: why aren't you a savant??
R: why can't I be a non-savant? Let me play the way I like, please.
And with no high-end items so many (but not all, I know) TR's grab about in every place.
(makes sense, if I'm a F2P I can't have ubber-oh-my-I-can't-play-without-this, items)
Regarding the initial post, about Stealthy Reposession quest, has anybody noticed how it is bugged? We finish the main objective, get the red gem, and then when kill all prophets for the 25 kobold kill count, the DM still says I failed the quest, when thats obsiously a lie (hey, I got my xp and favor already, don't look at me...)
The necromancer strikes again!
Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
leader emeritus, Bridge Burners
"Just another day in pair-o'-dice"