Now my next point. WHY did u nerf TTS(trap the soul) on greensteels? What could possibly have made you decide that a random (1, 2%? maybe?) instakill effect was... overpowered? You first gave it a will save. Fine. Then u made it get blocked by ANY form of deathwrd/deathblock, etc. ... one or the other, why both? (Even though EITHER was a little much, for non-deathwarded/named mobs, vorpals have a MUCH higher chance of working, and its not like the soul gems are making any of us silly rich) And why was this a stealth change that nobody was warned about? I went out and made myself a vac II specifically to help with epics. The day after maint. Hit and I was left with a useless piece of ... well u get the idea. I can understand that you do not wish people to 'be vorpaling' their way though epics. FINE, make it so that epic ward 'guards' against trap the soul. PROBLEM FREAKING SOLVED, I'd be happy, a little upset i can't use it for what i want, but at least it would STILL be a useful weapon, and still be worth the investment making it. It would be a alternative to a vorpal for a QS user.
I swear that for the past year, the people doing any development of the game sit down and really work out one tiny aspect of the game, then realize you spent 'all day' on that ONE TINY thing, and rush though the rest and run off to the bar. Like really, look at the ToD sets. Notice how a few sets are sought by many, and the vast majority of the rest are 'garbage' even to the classes they are MEANT for? (Example being acrobat set. What garbage; Have any of you dev's even PLAYED a acrobat to 20? NO i don't mean 'create' a lv 20 and try it for 5 min, but actually PLAY?)
Right then my rant is over, and while a little hostile, I really do feel my 'suggestions' are worth looking at.