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While finally getting cosmetic armour is a step forward, DDO has yet again done it in such a halfway manner that it is bound to cause more frustration for players than real success. The cosmetic item is 'bound' to the armour to which it is applied meaning you have to buy a new one for each new set of armour you gain if you want to keep the look. It is also far to generic with all types of light & medium looking the same, all robes the same etc so instead of 2,000 people running around in blue Dragon Touched there will be 1,000 in red/tan and 1,000 in crimson/silver (even assuming other sets get added the variety will not be great). The effect goes across the whole armour set so you cannot, for example, change your breastplate but leave the pants untouched to provide a bit of personal variety. And in the end you are stuck with having to buy the effects from the store (or possibly get ultra rare drops from events) making this just another money grab.
DDO devs - please talk to your LOTRO counterparts. LOTRO has a brilliant cosmetic system which allows every armour piece to be individually altered to match any other item that you pick up (or in some cases buy from the store) for the same slot. You apply the visual effect via a completely seperate panel which controls what is displayed on screen while your equipment itself and its effects are not altered. This completely seperates what you are wearing from what is displayed and allows you to keep the same look (should you wish) as you level up while totally altering your gear. Plus as a bonus there are 2 cosmetic panels allowing you to have a choice of three completely different looks; your actual gear plus two cosmetic sets.
Now granted the LOTRO piecemeal armour set system is different from the DDO one-size-fits-all approach, but even so implementing a cosmetic display system which uses the same method of a seperate panel which is not linked to the worn armour should not be a major ask and would be a great deal better than this halfway house.
However I am biased as personally I'd like to see the whole LOTRO UI pulled into DDO so that DDO can get itself out of the 19th century. Mods, skins, individual sizing and scaling of windows, multiple cosmetic displays - all things that DDO is lacking but is available to it just by having the dev teams talk to each other and share knowledge. Get out of the dark ages DDO - if it were not for your unique combat system you would have died long ago.
(and while you are at it learn what a proper crafting system is meant to be like; the DDO psuedo-craft dungeon grind rubbish is a joke)