I don't PvP very much at all anymore (Haven't even been in the pit for several months) but can say that there are times when I have gone into the pit and had a lot of fun. I even built one of my characters so that he would excel in PvP (And wasn't too shabby at PvE either). I've seen some people here vehemently against PvP because they don't enjoy it and 'don't want any dev time used' on it. It's just for fun and some people enjoy it. If you don't find it fun, you don't have to do it. You don't get any loot, any experience, etc.
However, you can ask yourself, why do you do PvE? It's just for fun too. What do you really get out of gearing out your character? It's just for fun too. Why do people care about cosmetic changes to character's appearances? It's just for fun too. I, for one, don't care what my characters look like (In fact I attempt to make them as ugly as I can), so using the attitude of people that 'don't want any dev time used' on something would apply to cosmetic changes for me, but honestly, if even a small amout of the population likes it, I have no problem with it.
My 2cp.