Yes, I'm greedy says the guy who tells me I'm doing it wrong for putting scrolls up for roll.
It's a non-issue since the party will get a message but I'll make the point anyway.
If you're in a group of 6.
Current system:
Scroll drops
2 people decide not to roll.
1 in 4 chance of getting the scroll. This is very common as a lot of folks don't roll on things they don't need.
New System (under my previous assumption that you wouldnt know who got the scroll)
If no one bothers to announce they got a scroll 1 in 6 chance. This would definitely be the case commonly if no one knew the scrolls were dropping. Loot ninjas wouldnt bother to let people know they got something that they could just AH.
It's a moot point since there will be a party message.
Stoolcannon, I appologize if my post seemed "snarky". You are usually a pretty well informed poster and I made the false assumption that you would have already seen the posts detailing that the loot distribution would be noted with a message in the chat box.
“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts - for support rather than illumination.” - Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
"I married your mother because I wanted children, imagine my disappointment when you came along." - Groucho Marx
I always wondered what would happen if an archer drop a Scroll of Spell Storing Ring epic ADQ.
I think this change is positive when you only play with friends or guildies, you can always ask for a scroll, and the party can make they own rules. Not big deal, just a different way.
With this system, I see less Epic PUGs and more "Guild Only" runs
Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.
Think of it this way, scroll drops, everyone *automatically* gets a roll, if the person that won doesn't need the scroll and you are doing need>greed, then he can put it up for roll again.
Member of Caffeine
My Characters
Yes, the mechanics as they are currently designed (and presumably implemented, though I haven't seen any posts to confirm) remove the danger of someone you're grouping with (possibly even a friend!) secretly keeping a valuable scroll you need. If it were designed the other way, the way that prompted most of your disagreement, I would be upset as well. However, the devs appear to have thought this one through and done a good job creating a modification that is entirely an improvement.
So now instead of arguing with the ninja looter and not getting a scroll.
You don't have to argue at all. And still not get a scroll.
# Epic Scrolls are now immediately given to a random party member instead of being a (ninja) lootable bag.
This just proves 100% that anyone in charge of any programming here does NOT pug epics. They have no frame of refrence about some of the people we deal with.
"What scroll? It dropped into my inventory, i'm keeping it"
And yet we're not allowed to publically call out and blacklist these people either... ha.
Oh well. the guild epics have been doing pretty good.
from this thread:
If you request it, I can link the actual studies for you, or at least the website I found this on.