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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New upgrades on Lamina


    * Barbarian:
    o Half-Elf Improved Damage Reduction I
    + Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Barbarian Dilettante, 14 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: You gain an additional point of damage reduction, improving your existing damage reduction by 1/-.
    o Half-Elf Improved Damage Reduction II
    + Prereqs: Level 11, Half-Elf Barbarian Dilettante, Half-Elf Improved Damage Reduction I, 36 AP Spent
    + Cost: 4 AP
    + Benefit: You gain an additional point of damage reduction, improving your existing damage reduction by 1/-.
    o Half-Elf Barbarian Toughness I
    + Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Barbarian Dilettante, Toughness, 7 AP Spent
    + Cost: 1 AP
    + Benefit: Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat.
    o Half-Elf Barbarian Toughness II
    + Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Barbarian Dilettante, Toughness, Half-Elf Barbarian Toughness I, 26 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat, bringing the total increase to 20 hit points.
    o Half-Elf Barbarian Constitution I
    + Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Barbarian Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Constitution score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.

    * Bard:
    o Improved Bard Dilettante I
    + Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Bard Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
    + Cost: 1 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 2, so you are now treated as a third level bard instead of first level.
    o Improved Bard Dilettante II
    + Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Bard Dilettante, Improved Bard Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 3, so you are now treated as a sixth level bard instead of third level.
    o Improved Bard Dilettante III
    + Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Bard Dilettante, Improved Bard Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
    + Cost: 3 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 4, so you are now treated as a tenth level bard instead of sixth level.
    o Half-Elf Bard Charisma I
    + Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Bard Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Charisma score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.

    * Cleric:
    o Improved Cleric Dilettante I
    + Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
    + Cost: 1 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 2, so you are now treated as a third level cleric instead of first level.
    o Improved Cleric Dilettante II
    + Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante, Improved Cleric Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 3, so you are now treated as a sixth level cleric instead of third level.
    o Improved Cleric Dilettante III
    + Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante, Improved Cleric Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
    + Cost: 3 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 4, so you are now treated as a tenth level cleric instead of sixth level.
    o Half-Elf Cleric Wisdom I
    + Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Wisdom score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.

    * Favored Soul:
    o Improved Favored Soul Dilettante I
    + Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Favored Soul Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
    + Cost: 1 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 2, so you are now treated as a third level favored soul instead of first level.
    o Improved Favored Soul Dilettante II
    + Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Favored Soul Dilettante, Improved Favored Soul Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 3, so you are now treated as a sixth level favored soul instead of third level.
    o Improved Favored Soul Dilettante III
    + Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Favored Soul Dilettante, Improved Favored Soul Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
    + Cost: 3 AP
    + Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 4, so you are now treated as a tenth level favored soul instead of sixth level.
    o Half-Elf Favored Soul Charisma I
    + Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Favored Soul Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Charisma score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.

    * Fighter:
    o Half-Elf Armor Mastery I
    + Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, 14 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Gives you the ability to move better in armor, increasing the Maximum Dexterity Bonus on your armor by +1. You may still be restricted by your tower shield's max Dex bonus.
    o Half-Elf Armor Mastery II
    + Prereqs: Level 11, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Half-Elf Armor Mastery I, 36 AP Spent
    + Cost: 4 AP
    + Benefit: Gives you the ability to move better in armor, increasing the Maximum Dexterity Bonus on your armor by an additional +1. You may still be restricted by your tower shield's max Dex bonus.
    o Half-Elf Strategy (Trip) I
    + Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, 7 AP Spent
    + Cost: 1 AP
    + Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to the DC of your Trip and Improved Trip feats.
    o Half-Elf Strategy (Trip) II
    + Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Half-Elf Strategy (Trip) I, 26 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus on the DC of your Trip and Improved Trip feats, bringing the total increase to 2.
    o Half-Elf Strategy (Stunning Blow) I
    + Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Stunning Blow, 7 AP Spent
    + Cost: 1 AP
    + Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to the DC of your Stunning Blow feat.
    o Half-Elf Strategy (Stunning Blow) II
    + Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Stunning Blow, Half-Elf Strategy (Stunning Blow) I, 26 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus on the DC of your Stunning Blow feat, bringing the total increase to 2.
    o Half-Elf Strategy (Sunder) I
    + Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, 7 AP Spent
    + Cost: 1 AP
    + Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to the DC of your Sunder and Improved Sunder feats.
    o Half-Elf Strategy (Sunder) II
    + Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Half-Elf Strategy (Sunder) I, 26 AP Spent
    + Cost: 2 AP
    + Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus on the DC of your Sund
    Last edited by silvertrit; 11-13-2010 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Now THIS is about what I was talking about in the other thread. I felt that Half-Elf Dil needed some enhancement lines to help it out a little.

    I'm assuming Half-Elf Armor Mastery I will not stack with Fighter Armor Mastery I, for example.

    I can see some interesting Half-Elf pureclass builds, such as Wizard with Fighter Dil. It won't replace wf as the ultimate battle-mage, but it might be an interest concept to try out.
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  3. #3
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    BTW could you post the proposed Rogue Dilettante enhancement line?
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  4. #4
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting this. As someone who is leveling up a Half-Elf Pally tank and took the barbarian feat, I have some comments on the barbarian enhancement line:
    1) The enhancement for 1 DR for 4 AP is way overpriced. I'll never take this because it's too costly.
    2) If the toughness enhancements stack with other toughness enhancements (ex. Pally toughness, racial toughness), then these will be nice. If they don't stack, then IMHO the developers shouldn't bother with this.
    3) If you can take the con enhancement in addition to your two human ability enhancements, that will be a nice bonus. If you have to take one or the other, then again, why bother with it?

    If the above are addressed than this enhancement line will be sweet and make it a tough call between going human or half-elf (right now human is better IMHO).
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  5. #5
    Community Member Xenus_Paradox's Avatar
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    Rogue is +2d6/+3d6 SA and Trap Sense +1/+2 plus a +1 Dex class enhancement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    if you want a challange, grab 5 strangers, park them at the quest entrance and then solo the quest

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  6. #6
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralmeth View Post
    Thanks for posting this. As someone who is leveling up a Half-Elf Pally tank and took the barbarian feat, I have some comments on the barbarian enhancement line:
    1) The enhancement for 1 DR for 4 AP is way overpriced. I'll never take this because it's too costly.
    2) If the toughness enhancements stack with other toughness enhancements (ex. Pally toughness, racial toughness), then these will be nice. If they don't stack, then IMHO the developers shouldn't bother with this.
    3) If you can take the con enhancement in addition to your two human ability enhancements, that will be a nice bonus. If you have to take one or the other, then again, why bother with it?

    If the above are addressed than this enhancement line will be sweet and make it a tough call between going human or half-elf (right now human is better IMHO).
    It is my understanding that the ability score enhancements don't stack with similar class-based enhancements. so you can't take a couple levels of Barbarian and get two +1 CON enhancements. But Human Adaptability is a whole different thing, and stacks with them. However, don't quote me, as I'm not 100% certain, and wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong.

    Not sure on Toughness, as I think the regular class toughness enhancements are exclusive, meaning you can't multi a Barbarian and a Favored soul, and get both FvS and Barb toughness, only one or the other. Racial toughness should stack, as they do with regular class enhancements.

    Barbarian is still the weak one out, DR3/- is easily gotten out of other means, and early to boot. Toughness might be nice on a caster/divine/bard, but then so would taking FvS (for wand and scroll use, to an extent, on a Sorc) or Fighter for free feats and +1 STR. I know I fully intent to LR my FvS Helf once U8 hits live, to take greater advantage of the new enhancements as well as a changed build plan (since she's now a third character, rather than just something I was goofing off with, like my Helf Monk).
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  7. #7
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    Where can I find the full list of enhancements for every Dilettante? I would like to see paladin mainly (as that is what I have on most of my half-elf characters atm.), but also the other classes so I can start thinking up builds.

  8. #8
    Community Member thegreatneil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spitfirek View Post
    Where can I find the full list of enhancements for every Dilettante? I would like to see paladin mainly (as that is what I have on most of my half-elf characters atm.), but also the other classes so I can start thinking up builds.
    Go on the test server, load your half elf up, press c, enhancements, then click show unavailable.
    lots of enhancements to sort, but the dillies are there in the mix.

    *Note paladin has a enhancement for LS pro and +1 to LS, that counts as a pre for WSS. (neat yes, useful, not sure yet, maybe for a Clonk?)
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    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post
    Everyone who is more effective than me is OP, and should be nerfed.
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  9. #9
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    I was kinda hoping that someone else had already done that and was kind enough to post what they are.

    BTW, I found a post with them:

  10. #10
    Community Member LordArkan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralmeth View Post
    2) If the toughness enhancements stack with other toughness enhancements (ex. Pally toughness, racial toughness), then these will be nice. If they don't stack, then IMHO the developers shouldn't bother with this.
    You forgot about Half-elf rogues, wizards, or any other class that does not receive class-based toughness enhancements. Also, you forgot Poland.

  11. #11
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordArkan View Post
    Also, you forgot Poland.
    He forgot....POLAND???
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

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