I was worried about my first epic but it went smoothly. There are lots of shortcuts people use in epics. Some you would never think of. So you have to pay attention.
I was worried about the traps because I was told you'd need a search dc of 60. You do not. I get by easily with 50 or around there. Just keep some +15 search goggles and make sure the caster or yourself has GH for those difficult ones.
A disable device skill of 60 can take care of most any trap easily. Keep in mind that the bonus from tools and the bonus from disable device items stack. If you're not an int based rogue, you might have trouble with some traps. Again, GH is a life saver.
I've been surviving easily with 350hp. You just have to position yourself and think about where to stand while fighting. Know when to run too. There's a spot in the tide turns quest that my groups almost wipe at every time. Someone usually has to grab a stone or two then run to the shrine.
There are some areas in the game where you can use traps to your advantage. Do not be afraid to use them. Luring enemies through epic traps is surprisingly effective.
If you have the UMD for it, don't be afraid of using summon monster in epics either. Summoned monsters get epic warded so it can be a useful distraction, especially when you need the enemies to stand in the traps a bit longer.