I was being asked how much dps my current main (a leesa tempest rogue) has. So I sat down and began to calc, but I dont know if I did something wrong. I am not fully equipped (no tharnes, no bloodstone), which is why I wanted to calc it by myself.
So, here are the numbers:
Str-Mod with Ram's and Rage: 32, resulting damage for main: +11, for off: +5
damage from Ram's + Racial = +4
Main Weapon (Tier2 GS Rapier) : 4,5+5
Off Weapon (+1 Seeker Rapier): 3,5+1
Regular Damage: 24,5/13,5
Seeker +10, and (15-20)x2 add 13,35/ 10,05 Damage per swing
additional 7d6 +9 sneak attacks and 7 holy damage on main hand add another 43,5/ 36,5 damage.
Assuming a hit on a 2 and auto-sneak/0% fort, we get about 77 (main) + 51 (off) = 128 damage per swing. In auto-crit situations, this damage rises to 236 damage per swing.
Do these numbers make sense?
Do I need to convert them into damage per second?
Advice how to squeeze out more damage with simple means is always appreciated, but not the main reason of this threat. I just want to know if my DPS calculations are right. Because if they are, I can start to play around with my spreadsheet.