Wow... you actually spent time finding a unicorn.....
AWESOME! in a weird meaningless gesture of attempting to convince me and everyone that I'm the the one with issues.... gj! lol
Wow... you actually spent time finding a unicorn.....
AWESOME! in a weird meaningless gesture of attempting to convince me and everyone that I'm the the one with issues.... gj! lol
WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt
WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt
Community Member
I won't, um, derail an otherwise focused thread, but I was just remembering what it was like first building rams, splitting parts amongst your group, building it under fire..using that first ballista in PvE (which got changed, of course)...the first trebuchet not knowing where the hell to get ammo for it...those things were fun...being down in Darkness Falls when another realm took access, trying to squeeze as much xp as possible before getting rolled en mass...though then there was all that grinding to have a GM of each craft..bleh..I don't want to see another sewing kit anytime soon.
and get a KILL COUNT and you get REALM POINTS for GANKING in DAoC.
This thread is the first by the OP that I have come across and it made me laugh.
Rangers are overpowered when stacked and moving and drow SR makes them unstoppable (apparently)
So in return he wants for his caster with all the instakill spells available to be able to have a PrE that allows him to automatically bypass all SR.
He claims to be a PVP expert as per his sig but still he can't grasp the simple concept of not using auto targetting and actually leading his target with his spells as his casts are allways trailing behind the ranger he's targetting.
Funny that someone who is a self proclaimed PVP expert can't see this rather simple concept. the whole auto target thing works the same way in PVE as well so he really must not know the game that well. mah DDO Blog.
Sure, it makes everyone laugh and start the process of breaking him, but at the same time, even reading his BS causes headaches and unsightly veins popping out of people's heads.
"Today on Lammania: Self-proclaimed PVP expert calls forth all drow rangers to repeatedly use him as a pin cushion and frag his sorry a$$. Weather at 6."
*KHYBER* Yazool, Durrgin (Dwarf, Clr), Xarissa (Drow, Wiz), Reinei (Hafling, Monk), Cavatina (Human, FvS), Jinglethis Punk'Ass (Halfling, Bard/Fighter), Rahtchet (WF, Art)
I've read the first page, and then kind of skipped every other page and skim read it. and it comes down to this:
Drow should always have had this for their Spell Resistance. They're Drow.
'nuff said.
love youre post they make my bad
on topic there are better ways to make drow useful
I look at it this way. If so many people are wanting improvements to PvP, we should ask Turbine to make it a VIP only perk (read as not ever being purchasable in the DDO store) and make those people put their money where their mouth is.
OK mebbe not but somehow I feel this has to be a daily ritual for H4x's PvP /fail
Community Member
Ahh, yes, Darkness Falls...had many an interesting PL group in there...
You want to talk about fun, ye need to do a Chicken Run in WHOL. If ye're not familiar, basically, there's a mechanic in place that keeps toons that are too high a level from getting into lower level RvR zones, so as to allow those lowbies to have their fun without getting ganked by someone 10 levels above them. If ye're too high and ye enter one of those zones, ye have like 10 seconds, IIRC, before you are turned into a chicken with no powers and 1s, I think, for all of your stats. I think you kept a portion of your HP, though, but I don't remember exactly.
Anyways, get 50 or so guildies together, go to the lowest RvR zone and CHAAAAAAARGE!!!!! OMG, I never laughed so hard as I did the first time I saw a horde of rabid chickens waging war on Order...actually got like 4 or 5 kills before we were wiped! Good times...
Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,Vehnison Deerslayer, Guendaril Kherras, Khaloss Meierson, Haestan Cloudreaver, YgolonacMember of The Madborn you ever stop whining about PvP....little hint OP...go away...this is not a PvP based game.....there are plenty of them out there.
At the risk of sounding slightly helpful...pick up a Greater spell Pen 6 weapon. +3 to spell pen right there, or there are dozens of Spell Pen 7 (+2s) on the vendors.
Community Member
This thread hurts my soul.
Community Member
Oh goodie, we're posting opinions about PVP? Again? Man, those 4 people that PVP sure are vocal. I better get my two cents in.
Here's my opinion... If the devs add ANY incentive to PVP... guild points, exp, plat, or items... I'll take me moneys and go elsewhere. I did not start paying for this game to be surrounded by people who whine about how one class is able to kill them all the time in the PVP pits. I really don't care. Boohoo. Go cry somewhere else. If you'll notice, there's these things called quests and there is no PVP in them.... I really like those, it's what I paid for.
I like another suggestion I read earlier. Make the PVP pits available to VIP members only. If there is enough VIP members using the PVP pits, and you want to change your whole game around to make them happy, I will just go elsewhere with my money. No biggie, it's your game turbine. Sure would be nice to cut down on the Harbor trash-talk though, it can get quite rude to new users as PVP'ers try to look cool. I'm sure thats not good for your bottom line either, having all those newbies exposed to the rudeness of the pvp'ers in the harbor area as they are just learning the game...
Agreeing with the vast majority... Sure would be nice, if you wanted to play a PVP game, if you'd go find a PVP game, and stop trying to ruin the PVE game we all enjoy because someone beat you up.
Community Member