Drow can have 30 SR without enhancements after Update 8? WHAT?
So they can be a ranger w/ Slayer Arrows and now they're that much harder to stop?
450+ HP, Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, and 30 SR with Manyshot, STR damage, Slayer Arrows, and a Lightning Strike or Disintegration Bow = OP!
They had better seriously nerf rangers and give me an awesome sorcerer PRE or I'm going to contact the BBB.
The other day my Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (Earth) went missing too! I couldn't finish my HP item.
I think the devs are picking on me for real because this one GM dude, the same guy, has banned me twice so far.
And when he did it he didn't even let me respond or nothin' I was actually typing to him. Not giving any more details though.
Suggestion: Stop making PvP so one-sided towards anything with a bow!