I've hardly ever seen a post I disagree with more now too.
Sirgog is right.
In a raid boss situation, your aoe spells are single target, because there's only 1-2 bosses standing there to kill. The trash in every raid is inconsequential to the main boss standing there. If the dev's were putting in 9th level persistent dot spells that gave us raid melee dps I might agree with you but it seems they want our main damage spells to be at level 4 instead so we need to work with what we are given.
Speaking of nuking groups...have you ever watched a barbarian swing an epic sos? It doesn't just hit the one mob he has targeted, It hits everything. Casters don't have crowd control vs that raid boss either. There's nothing casters can do to paralyze or even slow its attack rate anymore. So we don't have crowd control on them either. It's not like melee don't come with their own buffs and self healing as well such as Resist Energy, Bless, Cures, ect...
My point is the difference between a wizard and a melee in a raid is I have to stop attacking after a minute and you don't, so why do I need to do 1/4th your damage for the short time that I do get to attack? How does that justify my raid slot?
I'll say this again since you must have missed it the first time: "Its downright silly that a Sorcerer gets far less HP, Armor choices, Special class features, Feats, Skill Points, Saves, and also has less sustainable raid dps then a Melee."