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You obviously weren't around when the first raid loot system was in place.
Just in case it was never described to you I'll do so.
All raids were guaranteed two (2) named raid items on completion.
At completion the group leader was awarded two (2) tokens. These tokens were required to pull an item out of a second chest that appeared. This is where a group of raid items were located, usually 10 or 12. The group leader would assign the tokens, and the people who got the tokens took the item of their choice.
NOTE: This is where the problem starts...
Originally, the tokens were intended to reward productive party members. However, many deviant practices soon emerged:
Some guilds determined that all raid tokens went to the guild leader if he was in the raid. If not, then to the guildie who acted as group leader. Once the leader had all the "Uber" items he wanted he would pass the tokens to the next guy in line.
Some guilds had rules that all tokens stayed in the guild. Some groups advertised this in the LFM... others did not. If you ended up in the latter you got screwed.
Pugs were usually only good for the XP.
After numerous complaints, the system was changed to what we have today, where raid loot could drop for anyone, but there was no guarantee any would be awarded. On the other hand, everyone could see a raid item pop. This was before you could reassign bound items to others, so sometimes you got useless items.