Royal 1
Royal 2
leaf 1
leaf 2
Royal 1
Royal 2
leaf 1
leaf 2
Last edited by Bolo_Grubb; 11-15-2010 at 11:55 AM.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
+1 Raz lmao
Unfortunately this is true - i think many ppl will be using the new customs and more LOWBIES will be identical/similar, even than we see at lvl 20
Its a matter of getting ENOUGH customisation so we all look how we want and different from each other. Hopefully they get this x100 by time it goes live (better artwork takes more time tho)
HAHA yep, me too. That is what we have had to resort to.
I sure hope they implement a sort of "copy kit" allowing us to put the copy kit and a piece of armor into the stone of change allowing us to make the kit have the appearance of the copied armor, really what they have done is open a room of doors, leading to many possibilities. I can't wait for the look of my DT armor match the epicness of its effects.
I know it's more of a design concept alpha right now, and if the armors actually get more depth to them, then I think they'll look a lot better. However, I do have to say that in my opinion, medium armors and better should always have depth by adding 3D overlay effects, heavy armors having more, since they should cover more of the body. Light armors should probably have at least a chest piece, but overall no actual armor should ever just be a re-skinning of the character's body.
I don't think it's a concept or an alpha, it's on Lamannia it's a preview and it's coming in the next update which isn't apparently too far off..
The thing that is "unfinished" is the artwork... the system appears to be in minor tweak and bug fix stage.
The problem with hoping for a more complete system later is that this might very well scratch the itch of the casual player, while those of us who want a more robust system that actually involves customization, will be left waiting for something that becomes immediately low priority because "we just put costume kits in what more could you want".
If they are going to spend time and dev resources on giving us customization, we need to make it clear that re-skinning random looking armor with skins that are some other persons Idea of cool looking, isn't what we want.
While I agree I'll take something over nothing at all, that doesn't mean we should as players make it clear that this isn't what we were asking for, and seems a little but poorly thought out and restrictive.
At the very least we need Turbine to know that making these re-skins dependent on the actual armor you're wearing is a bad idea.
Exactly the sentiment other players were harbouring over Aestor's Customisation thread.
I can't give you +1 rep again - but that is the underlying issue.
Tying appearance to basic armour type means we can only make outfits look like other outfits, robes like robes, heavy armour like heavy armour - not too heavy either, by the way... - and so on.
As you clearly reiterated: the paladin in robes will still look like a paladin in robes.
We can't customise skins and gear separately.
We can't currently apply textures separately from meshes, nor pick individual meshes and textures.
There is potential to appearance kits - but I am afraid applying the micro-transaction mechanism to this particular service might prove detrimental.
Thumbs up to devs for listening to player base - but please consider tweaking it further, so it really solves the underlying issue.
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
I checked out the armors last night, they now have a second set, for each kit, if i remember right this one is the royal kit 2, so far the #2 kits all give a 3d overlay but only the armors looks good.. the outfits look kinda lame (with the overlay). this one by far is the best of the 2 armor (armor) kits, guess i could have cropped the image, but ehh im lazy