I like some input from you guys.... Which Prestige Enhancement is the best to have at higher levels?? I have not taken one yet, my pally is level 9 right now.
Thanks for all replies!!
I like some input from you guys.... Which Prestige Enhancement is the best to have at higher levels?? I have not taken one yet, my pally is level 9 right now.
Thanks for all replies!!
It depends on what your build is trying to do. My general advice would be to take Hunter of the Dead I & II until you get to the Vale. Healing Amp and immunity to neg levels is quite nice in the mid-levels. Once you start running around in the Vale swap out for Knight of the Chalice for additional DPS vs all the evil outsiders there.
My personal choice is DoS...but that is just me....followed by HotD. HotD is great for midlevels, like mentioned already. I personally feel like KotC is too much of a one trick pony.
Officer - Eternal Wrath
Burne Level 20 Human Paladin
Granted KotC focuses on evil outsiders; still, that's mostly what you're facing in the Vale and Amrath. A Lit II makes up for many things against other opponents, and there are a few nice things to be said for a triple positive as a second gs weapon (using holy swords instead of min II).
Proud officer of Imperial Assassins!
Argonessen: Jhanrae, Weisen Heimer, Chaard O'Nay, and more once viable endgame toons relegated to banking.
Demons N Devils R Bad.
Kill dem all wit Pallys.
Seriously, though, this really depends on your build.
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
Thanks all for all the great input.... probably going to take Hunter now... am I wrong to think that Im gonna have to reroll my enhancements to change to Knight later?? Again, thanx