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  1. #21


    * How long did it take you to complete this quest?
    First time: 18 minutes
    Afterwards: 5 minutes

    * Do you have a clear understanding of the quest story, and was it interesting?
    Make the combat situation in the Summerfield District manageable again for the troops there.

    * Were the visuals and environment in this quest appropriate to the theme?

    * Are you likely to run this quest more than once on Live?
    At minimum, to get to Operation Siegebreaker.

    * What do you think of the XP and loot rewards given the difficulty of the quest?
    The difficulty matches the EXP given.

    Only one chest was located, a secondary should probably be included (either near the river, at the end, keeping Markus alive, or some other optional).

    * Please make additional comments here:
    For whatever reason this area messes with my sense of direction and locating things doesn't seem entirely clear, although being a large fight is going on I s'pose that is fitting.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

  2. #22
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    lol as for the chest for markus you need to talk to him i ended up getting 2 lol

  3. #23
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    * How long did it take you to complete this quest?
    With all optionals, about 20-25 minutes
    * Do you have a clear understanding of the quest story, and was it interesting?
    Yes, and finding the guards (I suggest taking a rogue with you) in the hidden rooms, etc was fun
    * Were the visuals and environment in this quest appropriate to the theme?
    * Are you likely to run this quest more than once on Live?
    Probably going to run a few times on all characters at lvl
    * What do you think of the XP and loot rewards given the difficulty of the quest?
    Xp was low, loot needs a shot of coffee
    * Please make additional comments here:
    After a few runs on different toons I couldnt get the optional for the "Commander must survive" even though he didnt take really any damage (about 1/10th his health).

  4. #24
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    I've gotten a 2nd chest from a named dropping out of a portal at the beginning, other than that I have not been able to get Markus to talk to me to complete the optional... Other than to say "I'm 2 days from retirement" or some such thing.

  5. #25
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    nice tip can we see a chest for the gnoll seigemaster and for the sniper genthro mahon rare

  6. #26
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    How long did it take you to complete this quest?
    I think it was around 20 minutes.

    Do you have a clear understanding of the quest story, and was it interesting?
    Story yes. Quest goals no, below.

    Were the visuals and environment in this quest appropriate to the theme?
    Yeah. I especially liked the way the door got demolished, and the ogre's bladebarrier weapon. It reminded me a lot of Chronoscope, and could've been even more effective if there was a Summerfield public area before the quest.

    What do you think of the XP and loot rewards given the difficulty of the quest?
    Seemed a lot lower than the rest in the series. Didn't see any named items on my solo trip though, so if they're good that more than makes up for it.

    Please make additional comments here:
    I'm not a fan of invisible walls, but this quest confused me without them. I killed a couple portal groups when the NPC mentioned them, didn't see more, then hopped off to clear out the town. Which was surprisingly empty at the time, other than the forces by the bridge (which didn't advance or seem to award an optional at that point). Didn't realize I missed an objective until I tried to enter a building. - Remember to play in moderation.

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