Can tanks be made more useful?
Paladins are the righteous so why not allow them to intimidate undead and the like?
Making Paladins a more worthwhile tank and making it easier to tank those difficult undead quests.
Why not give a Feat or Enhancement that increases the range of Intimidate so it can be more effective and life saving?
Why not give a Feat that can assist in the intimidation of un-intelligent targets? Even morons can feel intimidated much like a necromancer can, and if a necromancer gets intimidated I'm sure he'll send all his undead on that guy?
I understand it's set in D&D Rules (sort of) but an MMORPG requires some of these aspects in order to make it more team work oriented, not a simple RUN IN AND SEE WHO SURVIVES AND DRAIN ALL THE HEALER SP. You've obviously had to bend the rules on some D&D aspects so why not save the casters and dps a Toughness feat and make Tanking a more useful skill?