Aridarastrixiejir gethrisj persvek vorastrix.
Update 8 most likely involving no change other then an adventure pack I'm posting a Dragon Themed wishlist of what I would like to see in Update 9.
3 new adventures (level 13-15)
A new quest chain involving a green dragon and the lands of the Aerenal elves. A young adult dragon has set up its lair somewhere in Aerenal and threatens multiple tribes as well as the undying court themselves.
The first of the three missions would be more outdoor like the Diplomat Quest and the goal would be to find out the location of the dragon.
After finding the location the second quest is a guard quest that involves you defeating multiple waves of minions trying to stop you and ultimently having to defend yourself from the dragon itself. However before being killed the dragon retreats to its lair.
Leading to the third quest, inside the dragon's lair you have to defeat the remaining Dragon-Wrought Kolbolds and navigate through the maze-like caverns to the dragon itself where you witness the dragon finishing the ritual to become a Draco-lich. Now you have to destroy the phylactery while the Draco-lich defends the very last remains of its life.
Epic Gianthold
Collect epic dragonscales for your new armor or helmet.
New PrEs
Dragon Disciple I
Cost: 2 AP
Preq.: Level 6 / Points spent (like the rest of Tier I PrEs) / Energy of the Dragonblooded I / Sorcerer Charisma I / And one of the following: Elemental Manipulation II, Energy Manipulation II, or Force Manipulation II
Effects: You begin to feel the dragonblood the runs through your veins become invigured and empowered you. You gain +2 Str. you unarmed attacks deal more damage (1d8). Your skin also begins you toughen as you gain +1 natural armor.
Dragon Disciple II
Cost: 4 AP
Preq.: Level 12 / Points spent / Energy of the Dragonblooded II / Sorcerer Charisma II / and one of the following: Lineage of the Elements II / Lineage of Energy II / Lineage of Force II
Effects: The blood of the Dragons are becoming more powerful as you can now produce a pair of draconic wings (like the Favored Soul wings) that produce a featherfall effect for a short time. You Skin also begins to form scales as you gain another +1 to your natural armor (+2 total) and start becoming resistant to your chosen element (Perm 10 Resist).
Dragon Disciple III
Cost: 4 AP
Preq.: Level 18 / Points Spent / Energy of the Dragon Blooded III/ and one of the following: Lineage of Deadly Energy II, Lineage of Deadly Elements II, or Lineage of Deadly Force II
You feel the Dragon's power flowing through you as you can now enter a Shroud of the Dragon. You are also counted as immune to your chosen element and another +1 to your natural armor (total +3).
Shroud of the Dragon gives you +2 Str., +2 Con., +2 Int., and +2 Cha. and all metamagic cost 2 less to use. You also are counted as a dragon for your type in addition to your normal race giving you immunity to magical sleep and paralysis. This shroud also gives you DR 10/ Magic and SR 30. However this power comes at the cost of -25% Fort. as like a dragon you belly becomes vulnerable and 100 sp.
Dragon Beath (element) I*
Cost 1 AP
Preq.: Dragon Disciple I / Elemental Manipulation I (for Fire or Cold) / Energy Manipulation I (for Electricity or Acid) / Force Manipulation I (for Force)
Effects: You gain a Breath Weapon (cooldown 1 min.) that deals 5d6 damage of you chosen element in the shape of a cone in front of you. The DC for half (10+Cha. Mod.). You can only have one type of Breath Weapon.
Dragon Beath (element) II*
Cost 1 AP
Preq.: Level 10 / Dragon Disciple I / Elemental Manipulation II (for Fire or Cold) / Energy Manipulation II (for Electricity or Acid) / Force Manipulation II (for Force)
Effects: You gain a Breath Weapon (cooldown 1 min.) that deals 10d6 damage of you chosen element in the shape of a cone in front of you. The DC for half (10+Cha. Mod.). You can only have one type of Breath Weapon.
Dragon Beath (element) III*
Cost 1 AP
Preq.: Level 15 / Dragon Disciple II / Elemental Manipulation III (for Fire or Cold) / Energy Manipulation III (for Electricity or Acid) / Force Manipulation III (for Force)
Effects: You gain a Breath Weapon (cooldown 1 min.) that deals 15d6 damage of you chosen element in the shape of a cone in front of you. The DC for half (10+Cha. Mod.). You can only have one type of Breath Weapon.
Dragon Beath (element) IV*
Cost 1 AP
Preq.: Level 20 / Dragon Disciple III / Elemental Manipulation IV (for Fire or Cold) / Energy Manipulation IV (for Electricity or Acid) / Force Manipulation IV (for Force)
Effects: You gain a Breath Weapon (cooldown 1 min.) that deals 20d6 damage of you chosen element in the shape of a cone in front of you The DC for half (10+Cha. Mod.). You can only have one type of Breath Weapon.
(* Not sure if Metas would make these too powerful or not)
Dragon Fist I
Cost 1 AP
Preq: Dragon Disciple I/ Elemental Manipulation I (for Fire or Cold) / Energy Manipulation I (for Electricity or Acid) / Force Manipulation I (for Force)
Effects: You gain the ability to engulf you Draconic fist in your chosen element. Your unarmed attacks gain Acid, Frost, Flaming, Shocking, or Force. This ability cost 25 sp to activate and last as long as your caster level.
Dragon Fist II
Cost 2 AP
Preq: Dragon Disciple I/ Elemental Manipulation II (for Fire or Cold) / Energy Manipulation II (for Electricity or Acid) / Force Manipulation II (for Force)
Effects: You gain the ability to engulf you Draconic fist in your chosen element. Your unarmed attacks gain Acid Burst, Frost Burst, Flaming Burst, Shocking Burst, or Force Burst. This ability cost 50 sp to activate and last as long as your caster level.
I've never played a monk so I don't know how to make this work but my suggestion was going to be the Initate of the Draconic Mysteries giving some abilities like these.
Tier I
Claws of the Dragon (unarmed strikes count as Slashing, Bludgeoning, and Piercing to overcome DR)
Increase in Spot and Listen skills
Tier II
Frightful Presence (Troggle on and off that creature have to make a will save or become feared. Panicked on a successful save.
Further Increases in Spot and Listen
Tier III
Dragon Shape (Simular to the Shrouds that the Pale Master except giving combat bonuses in exchange for Fortification like above.)
Cleric Spells:
Level 4
Lower Spell Resistance: Lowers subjects spell resistance 1 per caster level (max 15). Subject to spell resistance.
Level 5
Aura of Evasion: All within aura's radius (10 feet) have evasion against breath weapons.
Vulnerability: Reduces an opponent's DR by 5 at 11, 10 at 15, and 15 at level 20.
Level 6
Energy Immunity: Subject is immune to target element (last as long as haste)
Level 7
Death Dragon: (Self Only) +4 Natural Armor, +4 Deflection AC, and temp HP. Your unarmed attacks are counted as shortswords and deal damage appropriate but also cast inflict light wounds on the target. But you can't cast spells with Somatic or material components.
Level 3
Dragonskin: Gain +3 (+1 for every two levels above 5th to a max of +5 at 9th) Natural Armor and energy resist equal to twice you caster level (max 20 at 10th) for one element. Sorcerers cast at +1 level. (Material Component: Small Dragon Scale bought at Material vendors.)
Level 4
Lower Spell Resistance: Like Cleric Spell
Level 5
Lesser Dragon Ally: Summon a Young Adult dragon from list. (Material Component: Small Dragon Scale)
Level 6
Aura of Evasion: Like Cleric Spell
Level 7
Energy Immunity: Like Cleric Spell
Dragon Ally: Summon a Old dragon from list. (Material Component: Med. Dragon Scale)
Level 9
Greater Dragon Ally: Summon a Wyrm Dragon from the list. (Material Component: Large Dragon Scale)
I know this is a long post but thank you if you read this and please comment on this to tell me what you think.