so you know dnd is a turn based game normally. there's a grid, you are in the x5, y8 square. kobolds attacks, you intimidate 'em. they encircle you. while casters aoeing them you whirlwind em to keep the aggro, hitting them all.

in this game though, kobolds and everything else keep moving. no any 360 degree arc attack any useful...

yes, originally whirlwind description for dnd is this;

"When you use the full attack action, you can give up your regular attacks and instead make one melee attack at your full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach."

guess that's why devs thought whirlwind should have a long cooldown or activation time.

but it totally doesn't make sense. this is not turn based so don't give me turn based rules.

whirlwind should have a very, very short cooldown.

don't you think?

it should be, so if you attack two times in 2 seconds, with whirlwind you should be able to attack one time in 2 seconds.

not a tazmanian monster of course.