I have to say, if the cleric is in the scrum and healing w/ Aura and Positive Energy Burst, and occasional mass cures, and they're among the last people to die...the cleric probably isn't the one who is the problem.
I have to say, if the cleric is in the scrum and healing w/ Aura and Positive Energy Burst, and occasional mass cures, and they're among the last people to die...the cleric probably isn't the one who is the problem.
-=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]
This is a fair point. Every time I read a "ran into another healer I'll never run with again" thread, it reminds me of my own experience. My very first toon was a cleric. It was a while before I settled into a shroud pattern I was comfortable with. It went something like this.
Shroud 1. I was paranoid, afraid to get a bad rep. No gear to speak of. This was when the level cap was 16. Part 4 took 3 full rounds, and part 5 was long and tough as well. Drank 6 potions, out of sheer fear of getting the blame for a wipe. Cleaned me nearly out of pots, didn't do another shroud for a while.
Shroud 2. Convinced i needed to use mana more sparingly, had a wipe in part 4 as I tried to get too cute and time the heals more carefully. The problem is, even quicken on, what you think is the right time can be too late.
Shrouds 3-6. Settled into a better pattern, but almost always used 1 pot. Seemed there was always something amiss -- a long part 4, some missed heals, the guy I had targeted would jump out (I hated that). I later learned to be observant and pick my part my 4/5 target carefully, and make it someone not likely to jump out of the group.
Shrouds 7-15. Finally had a SP item, so that took some pressure off. Only needed pots in emergencies, or groups with below average dps. Also learned how to run the pools faster. Finally in a comfort zone. Every once in a while, I'd mis-judge mass cure timing and there would be a couple of deaths, but nothing major.
Shrouds 15 - approx 30. This was the era of bad shroud lag. You couldn't time your heals in parts 4 or 5, because lag was so bad the heals would sometimes hit 5 or 6 seconds after you cast them. It was really that bad. People who say it was an excuse just have no idea what they were talking about. Entire parties would go from (seemingly) full red bars to wipe in seconds. Your only choice was to spam mass cures nonstop, no matter what the red bars looked like. It was then that I started to get picky about groups. If it was a leader I knew, or a guild my (small) guild sometimes ran with, I would feel comfortable on my cleric. Because when you're spamming nonstop heals, you really can't afford a 2-3+ rounder. Of course, somewhere mixed in there were about half a dozen shrouds where harry would go brain-dead, and it was easy.
Shrouds 30-40. With the lag better, I settled on a strategy I described much earlier in the thread. But if anyone had judged me in those early days, I'd have no one to run with now. To paraphrase a popular saying: Being a good cleric comes from experience. Experience comes from being a bad cleric.
You gotta try things, and not be afraid to fail. If you fail, you do it differently next time. If anyone who wants to blacklist you for one bad run (whether it's your fault or not), well -- it's a game, they should find a life, and you should find more tolerant people to run with.
Agreed 100%
I heal shroud with my lil lvl 17 cleric. Here's what I do in both parts 4 and 5. I stand back and alternate mass heals and mass cures with the other healer. In tandem and in sync this works like a dream, however if the melee are **** poor and can't beat their way out of a wet paper bag, then my 1400 sp goes fairly quickly. At that point I equip a harry beater, throw up the empowered heal aura, wade into combat and alternate between beating his arse and bursting maxed/empowered bursts. What? ya thought all clerics just stand back and pike when out of SP?
Stop blaming the clerics.
Iriadraee-Newbalicious Leader of Isilme lu'barra. A Cannith Guild (ALTS-Ilaestaraee,Ixzaluah,Synafaee,Aeringunnr)
.....the whole thing about bad healers, bad barbs, bad rogues, bad 'insert random thing'
maybe positive examples are what we need instead of this constant thing about 'some one did something wrong'
more than once, a person who i felt was total garbage, turned out to be quite decent in just some week or 2 later.
also im quite sure, while not doing anything differently, for some groups i have been 'bad healer' for others iv been 'nice healing' so where the heck are logics in that?
Well, technically, this thread is about the OP, who almost failed a shroud with 3 healing classes, who then decided to throw the blame on a particular class. Then, when people called him on it, he gets defensive, and when people from that group showed up and gave us the REAL story, the OP needed to try to cover up his "modifications" to the story. Methinks outside of the OP, the rest of the people here are open minded enough to realize that the failure there probably lied more with the leadership and coordination, and that no particular class or methodology is inherently BAD, as long as the player knows what they are doing and is properly equipped. (that goes for melees AND healers)
Oh, and as far as the OP...I doubt this is the last time you will be posting, since it's the 2nd (or 3rd?) time you've said you're done, but I just need to say I agree with you somewhere finally:
Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,Vehnison Deerslayer, Guendaril Kherras, Khaloss Meierson, Haestan Cloudreaver, YgolonacMember of The Madborn
This thread is still going? Wow. What a waste of time.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
You just ended up with a bad group; dont conclude that majority of the healers are garbage - coz stating that is garbage itself.![]()
Eggnor MD - Favored Soul, Lord of the Blades / Aegnorr - Wizard, Palemaster
I can't Heal Squishiness.
I LOLZ in this threads general direction........
Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk
Healing shroud is a joke... I dont care what anyone says but all u need is mass heal... lol i've solo healed it with just mass heal and single target heal while meleeing and it wasnt even hard.
Even an idiot can spam 1 hotkey button that casts mass heal every 5 seconds. Now that i said that... If you die between mass heals you ether got really unlucky which is fine or you need to reroll/gear up cause curently you're a gimp.
If a shroud wipe actiualy occurs you should really check not just the cleric but also the melees that love to think they're uber as all hell and still have haggle helmet on instead of thier Minos.
I know it's not greatly important because I don't see how some one can screw up this bad but DR can effect your attacks such as sneak attack. If a mob has say a 30 DR and you can't beat that number with your base damage then it will cut into your sneak attack. Not 100% sure on smites and what not but I'd assume the same rules would apply.
Regardless, not to relevant to the situation but figured I'd point that out.