No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)
-=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]
You have one bad Shroud and are looking to lay the blame, then make a hugely generalized uninformed comment in your OP, and yet you take umbrage at people giving him a +1 for the same?
Besides, it points out the flaws in your negative post(whether you agree or not), thereby making a positive contribution to a discussion...that is perfect reason for a +1.
Oh, and while DR breakers on normal aren't NECESSARY, they can make the difference between a 1-rounder and a 2-rounder, or even push a 2-rounder into a 3-rounder, etc., thereby making a good cleric look bad, or causing said cleric to have to spend as many plat on pots as you should have spent on DR breakers, but felt it was "unnecessary". All this for a raid that should be able to be solo healed without the use of pots.
Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,Vehnison Deerslayer, Guendaril Kherras, Khaloss Meierson, Haestan Cloudreaver, YgolonacMember of The Madborn
Community Member
I personally don't see anything wrong with being close enough to burst in part 5 if you have enough hit points,and between bursts and good use of your masses it should be cake right?
Accidents happen,but it seems to me every time someone playing a divine makes a mistake its the end of the world.
How about a little understanding and civil discussion as opposed to starting threads with literally nothing to add to the community?
Meh,we all get a little mad and might need vent on the forums...just don't do it every single time something like this happens yeah?
Thelanis/Anndii 18 FvS Evoker - Ferrocious 20 Sorcerer
Sarlona/Pherrocious TR Artificer in progress - Heborric 20 Rogue -Aparal 20 FvS
Well, feel free to provide us with the exact statistics of how many HP this cleric/clerics had, how much each tick of the aura was doing, how much each heal was doing, how often heals were thrown and what type, and of course which cleric did it. Don't know? Ok, then please inform us of exactly how many HP each melee had, and exactly what fort item each was wearing, and feel free to break down the DPS they were doing while you're at it. Also, I think we're going to need the resistances and buffs/immunities each one had running.
Can't? I'm guessing that is because you are, how exactly can you say that the cleric that had his aura going and was up in the thick of things caused your problems? You cannot without pure conjecture, hence UNINFORMED...exactly what you accused the other poster of.
Pot, meet kettle...
Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,Vehnison Deerslayer, Guendaril Kherras, Khaloss Meierson, Haestan Cloudreaver, YgolonacMember of The Madborn
Community Member
7 pages, haha, should have known the moment i saw title![]()
Community Member
This is my last post in this thread, it really says something when the vast majority of the people who have commented in this thread are taking offense to something. The original post was obviously about bad healers, and now every healer is in this thread defending their lousy healing tactics. It really just reinfornces my point that a vast majority of healers are complete garbage or easily offended moron healbots who don't know the full potential of the divine classes. The original post was mostly about the aura and poor healing of a certain group of healers who may or may not be reading this thread and suddenly it's about how lousy melees or how I don't know what I'm talking about or something else shortsighted or "uninformed" as one particular individual said. The point still stands, the aura is not a substatial form of healing nor is it a substitute for any heals you may or may not throw. If you take offense to this then stop sucking.
lol. Your right, the aura is not a substantial form of healing. To an extent (due to the minor cooldown) neither is the burst. But when its ticking away (as a crit) for around 69-107 per 2 seconds in between mass heals, MCLW and bursts it just reinforces the awesomeness of the healing class.
True this is one line of logic, the other would be that since so many people overwhelmingly agree that the problem ISNT a serverful of poorhealers, that viewpoint maybe more valid than yours.
Honestly I choose to take no opinion on this thread as its more of a pi$$ing contest full of personal insults than a discussion on either of these viewpoints. Just wanted to point out there are two sides to everystory, and yours isnt always correct.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
I use empowered mass cure light and mod and when the blades come in sometimes a mass serious or critical. On occasion I will throw a mass heal but honestly when you pug at all mass heals only are a recipe for disaster, many can't survive the wait between them. I have nearly 420 hp and good gear and could survive inside but have decided its better to hang back, makes it easier to adjust when lag or other things go wrong. I do use my aura and the occasional blast to keep myself healed when a stray blade hits me or i get a meteor storm to the face. Could I replace my skivver with a DR busting mace to beat on Harry... sure, will I, no. Does this make me a "moron healbot"... perhaps.
I have said it before and will say it again...these threads aften do any learning cleric a diservice. There really is no one "right" way. Experience, gear, ability to size up a group, ability and willingness to change depending on the circumstances... these are the things that make a good healer. I could put together a group tonite when i log on that could get through the shoud without me using anything but wands and scrolls... does that make me a great healer? Some of the worst healers I have seen are those that are new to the game and get lucky enough to with great groups all the time. These "healers" get a couple of subpar builds in the group or things start to go wrong and they can't keep up. Then you hear the inevitable complaining about how its everyone elses fault but theirs. Contrast that with someone like Hex... yea she runs with guys that can pretty much keep themselves healed all the time... and they give her the freedom to have fun with her divine builds, but when things go to hell she may complain...but things don't collapse either. She adjusts and gets it done. She is not the only one just a good example.
I am frankly sick of people saying you HAVE to do it this way... or you HAVE to do it that way. Guess what if you do things the same everytime you are probably doing it wrong.
Sarlona Guild Succesor for The Harpers...Here nonstop since March 2006
Sheelagh 30 cleric/ Sidheag 30 FVS/ Catiriona 30 druid/ Dirrty barbarian/ Vigdis fighter/ Banan bard and various others
Oh I agree I'm sick of it too
My celly was a cleric but now fvs
she only ever used the aura in pt1-2
Ive been a fighter in many shrouds and the cleric has caused a wipe due to the OPs reason
sure its fine in a guild run but
Cure mod and mass heal are the way to go circulating the boss to dodge blades
Khyber~~~~Violeita Cellestina Violeit Soriien Souleita Fatileita Raveneia
Blessed Be ¸.•..¸.•*..¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•..,
Nobody should be dying, but nobody should be bringing 17th level melee characters with 0% fortification and 174 HP, either. Weirdly, that guy was surprised when he died.
Also, it takes a few tries to get the knack for throwing out enough healing power without throwing more than you need to. No sense in needing to drink pots in the "Easiest raid in the game." At this point in my healing career, I'd rather let one or two squishies die than see my blue bar drop faster than Harry's red bar.
Edit: One bonus for standing with the melee types is that you are guaranteed a target that won't panic and run away when the blades close in.