When everyone but you and one other person died there's obviously something wrong.
Also what I said was if you're not finishing go ahead and leave when he was at 10%. To which Cornth said "don't be a jerk and hit the altar before people have a chance to leave" to which I responded "no I'm not going to be a jerk I'm going to wait 20 seconds for people to leave so people can /death out or throw up a ddoor now if they want" because people have other things to do than worry about some dude finishing his shroud.
Here you say you would only wait 20 seconds that is what i am refering to
AltS- Pugtastic, Pugalicous, Pugnificent, Pugspione, Pugruly.
All proud members of Halfling Commandos
I'd have to say I will refrain from crafting...no problems there....but I think people who don't loot in between parts......that is just over-confidence......I'm looting no matter what...you never know what is going to happen.......Turbine goes down. you get DC'ed......party wipes....part 5 bugs out.....blah blah....I'm not missing out on my tomes and ings. because someone thinks they control the worlds events LOL.
Not with some people haveomg slow load screens. SO you are telling me that 40 more seconds for someone to confirm they are out is to long for you to wait because your 40 seconds is that much more important then them. Well that is very sad that you cant be bothered to make sure everyone is out before you hit the alter maybe you should run your own raids then so you can set the rules.
AltS- Pugtastic, Pugalicous, Pugnificent, Pugspione, Pugruly.
All proud members of Halfling Commandos
See, this is why I usually stay away from speed/zerg runs.......there are simply to many variables both in the game and in RL to omit patience and try to set a non-flexible time standard.
Even if you have a great computer, you are not totally immune to having a lagout in a load screen or other such stuff.
IMO, if ur not willing to accept the probability of taking a loss somewhere, either by way of a group leaving you behind in a dungeon or a Shroud run not giving you enough time to fully load out or etc, etc....your best bet is to avoid such players/LFM's.
I prefer flexibility over rigidity....the latter works awesome when everything is in perfect working order.....and I think we all know how often that is....and fails horribly when it isn't. The prior works in both situations equally well.
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 11-11-2010 at 09:41 PM.
I've seen Clerics aura heal w/o even breaking a sweat, I've seen some eat it when the first fireball hits em in the face.
I've seen it go half a round. I've seen it go three.
It's simple, if you want to finish a pug raid do everything in your power to finish it. If you fail and YOU built the group guess who put together a bad group. Yes it is an easy raid for those of us who have run it more times than we care to admit but remember your first few runs when it was new and we had no real gear?
~ this post is not directed @ the OP alone. I'm just sick of people blaming everyone else for a failed GROUP effort when all is said and done, step back.. guess what? It's a game.
actually i'm not that uber at all... but some very VERY uber players jumped into my last semi speed (then converted to speed) and it was over in 19mins. i usually ask melees from guilds idk to link DR breakers - these smarta$$es were all linking epic SOSes (even though knowing their guild i didn't bother to ask them). i must admit it's the fastest i've done to date.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
Not true. I don't give a rats. The difference between 20 seconds and 1min or 2 is minimal... and if you are afraid of losing 20 seconds of your life... well then you shouldn't be playing a game that involves escaping real life. However, if the run was stated with SPECIFIC rules about what was going to happen then that should be followed. But if it just said speed run, well that's relative to everyone's perception of speed.
- Discreet , Ruffle , Unlikely , Skunker -
Fast Shrouds normally work cause everyone knows what to do. Running ahead and zerging is awesome.....but not if you can't handle it(which it sounds like is your toon). Dieing on a 700 HP Barb is pretty hard in prt 4.....you know what's harder.....seeing that your dieing and not moving out of combat. You sound like your adult....do you need a babysitter in real life? The 1st thing you should be worried about is your gameplay before someone elses.
If you run Epic like you say you do I would think you would have figured out all of the above by now....or you getting dragged through those too?
No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)
-=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]