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  1. #1
    Community Member Nick_RC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bards - Lets reduce the time spent playing songs.

    Yeah its sorta cool for the first time you see a song chain go on but after that its tedious. Please consdier the following.

    1. You have reduced the audio sound time lets reduce the cool downs and activation times please.
    2. Please let us get them done as fast as possible so we can get to clobbering stuff faster. DDO isnt about buffing its about fighting and questing!
    3. We have more and more songs to play these days its a bit of a yawn fest every time we need to refresh songs.
    4. Lets do something about individual songs as well while we are at it. Can spellsong vigor just be an AOE buff rather than individual and competence wouldnt be overpowering if adjusted the same way.
    5. We have other buffs to throw too! Like displacements etc all this adds up. Its not much fun trailing behind giving the axer package while ur buddies are smashing stuff.



    Oh yeah and while we are discussing this lets increase warchanters personal dps up about 5-10%. Thanks!
    GROAN-1 (Melee/Casting Horc FVS)

  2. #2
    Community Member painindaguild's Avatar
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    all except the last point. warchanter are already overwhelming popular compared to the other pre's. no need to boost that.

  3. #3
    Community Member Krag's Avatar
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    Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer

  4. #4
    Community Member Fomori's Avatar
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    I think bard buffs are just fine. They are like any other buff in the game. If you feel you need them you'll wait, if not then zerg on ahead like you would from caster buffs.

    If you are bard casting these buffs then I can see that you feel you have become a buff bot... congrats you now know what an arcane caster felt (feels) like!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Actually, if this Nerf's one of Shade's barb's I doubly support this!

  5. #5
    Community Member Tuney's Avatar
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    I personal don't see much problem with bard songs. Would you like how they work in other MMO's or other D&D games. Where if performing a song that is all they get to do or the god dang 'looping' bringer of Repetitive strain injury or Carpal!

    Use of a bard song needs to take SOME time to play or one can play the song while still swinging their weapon or casting spells at the same time. Spellsong Vigor I can understand as a single target spell which also has good range and doesn't require Line of Sight. And if you need to use it on more targets means more chances of 'burst' which is always good.

    I still don't understand why most people have tons of songs left over unless all they do is raid. As a spellsinger , most of the time I'm shrining not because I'm out of SP normaly have lots of sp left + clickies but out of my wonderful songs and I don't run with tons of players that need vigor all the time. I'm casting CC , heals and buffs too. Maybe more bards should try to zoom ahead when they know they can and use them songs to fasinate!

  6. #6
    Community Member painindaguild's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fomori View Post
    If you are bard casting these buffs then I can see that you feel you have become a buff bot... congrats you now know what an arcane caster felt (feels) like!
    yes. and i do not have a problem with both since theyre both buff bots indeed. that why u play 1, theres tons of threads of badboy dps in the fighter forum.

    ok now to the point, casters got quiken, and theire buffs work with that. bard does not have room for quiken nor does songs work with it. nowadays ur halfway the quest wen ur done buffing.

  7. #7
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    I also think that ALL Bard songs should be group songs and affect the ENTIRE party. Lets face it Everyone in earshot is hearing them play... That would cut down on some time as well.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by salmag View Post
    I also think that ALL Bard songs should be group songs and affect the ENTIRE party. Lets face it Everyone in earshot is hearing them play... That would cut down on some time as well.
    Lol, now you got me imagining that for songs like Inspire Competence, Song of Freedom and Spellsong Vigor; in game it means the bard has to get right up close to the ear and sing the tune...seductively... :P

  9. #9
    Community Member CrescentCalling_5's Avatar
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    forget that, let's give them heavy metal songs to play instead!!!

    modernize DDO :3
    (I didn't read all the way through xD I just wanted to say that)
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