Hello Guys i recently rolled a half elf cleric and was a bit lost what spells (apart from the cure ones) are considered a must for most situation and if any of the important quests are needed and you can point them out it would be most welcome
Hello Guys i recently rolled a half elf cleric and was a bit lost what spells (apart from the cure ones) are considered a must for most situation and if any of the important quests are needed and you can point them out it would be most welcome
I actually gave this some thought in the "spells every Arcane caster should have" thread.
Spells that I think every Wizard/Sorc should carry
Expeditious Retreat
Resist Energy
Wall of Fire
Halt Undead (scrolls) once you have the cash to carry scrolls
Spells I think every Cleric/FvS should carry
Blade Barrier
Cure X Wounds - at least two to allow you to hit one while the other is on cooldown.
Heal - just takes care of so many conditions in addition to healing lots of HP
Blade Barrier
Resist Energy
Freedom of Movement
Raise Dead or Resurrection (or both)
Blade Barrier
There are lots more good spells, but those are the ones that I think are the bare minimum for any divine caster - even the Melee FvS who still have an 8 Wisdom after they eat a +2 tome.
What about spells like Shield of Faith and Command line?
Level 4 and below essentials that never come off my hotbar:
Resist Energy
Divine Power
(mass) Shield of faith is ok for new groups who probably don't have the protection items for AC, but most upper level or experienced players won't need it. I don't bother with the single target version on my casting cleric.
I like to keep soundburst for crowd control at lower levels (or higher if you take heighten), and command for single mobs (like orange named ogres, trolls, etc). Greater command works well at upper levels. You will find that you spend less time and mana on healing when you put those spells to good use. Any healing specced cleric will be perfectly capable as an offensive casting cleric, all it takes is getting accustomed to the playstyle.
Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk
Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed
Mass Heal
Mass Protection from Evil
Holy aura (blinds most mobs withou a save... great CC in Shavarath)
Blade Barrier (if you got maximise and so on)
Summon Monster VIII (air elemental is great CC up to epic
Resist Elements
Mass Protection from elements
Freedom of Movement
True seeing
Mass bear and bull (only for hound Raid)
Destruction, Slay Living, and Implostion are decent to have as well and can come in handy. Resist Engery is a must have. As well as your Radiant Servants. You should also consider the Metamagic Feats: Extend, Quicken, and Empower Healing. I like all of them for different things, but those three are good for healing and buffing.
with heal and mass heal you dont bring the cure spells? Also what are Shavarath and hound raids?
Already some good suggestions.
I'd just like to add Symbol of Stunning to the list of crowd control spells already mentioned. A lot of divine casters don't bother with the symbols, I think they're pretty underrated. If you know ahead of time that there will be a big group of mobs you can set the symbol up and a good group should draw things back to it.
Another decent one is Symbol of Persuasion which, IIRC, is the only charm spell a cleric gets. However, just be sure you don't cast it in a group of mobs that is required to be killed to advance the quest, it can be a pain to get the charm off - dismiss doesn't work, and sometimes repeated casts of Break Enchantment are needed - and it irritates some people. Speaking of which, Break Enchantment is a good one too, that you can use to clear away enemy AOEs harmful to your party as well as your own AOEs.
As long as your Wisdom is maxxed you should have no problem using crowd control and offensive spells in addition to your healing, and as already mentioned can make your job as healer a lot easier. Mobs can't cause damage if they're not attacking
1 : Nightshield
2 : Resist Energy, Soundburst, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration
3 : Mass Aid, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Water Breathing (never know!)
4 : Deathward, Freedom of Movement, Neutralize Poison, Restoration
5 : Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Protection from Elements, Stalwart Pact, True Seeing
6 : Banishment, Blade Barrier, Cometfall, Heal, Greater Dispel Magic, Harm (some dont bother, with more palemasters around I keep it), Mass Bears and Bulls (for Hound of Xoriat raid only)
7 : Destruction, Greater Restoration, Mass Protection from Elements
8 : Death Pact, Mass Death Ward, Summon Monster 8
9 : Mass Heal, True Resurrection, Implosion
Keep in mind spells like soundburst, hold person and greater command you will need to use heighten to make them worth casting at higher levels. I also carry my weakest ressurrection spell.
Last edited by ToKu; 11-11-2010 at 09:44 AM.
D.W.A.T - Thelanis
Dilim - 13 Archmage TR1 ~ Pugna - 10 Pale Master ~ Vorstellung - 20 Cleric
Kobold - The other white meat.
Clerics get all their Cure type spells automatically, they are permanently prepped. The only ones you have to prep yourself are Heal and Mass Heal.
Some people prefer relying on Quicken + Mass Heal for party heals, because it's mana efficient. As long as your party has the HP to last between 6 second casts, that's OK. But if you want quicker heals, you can use a combination of two of the mass Cure spells, depending on what kind of potency/devotion gear and enhancements you have, as well as metamagics. Ideally you want to get to a point where you can use Mass Cure Light and Mass Cure Mod and still heal for decent chunks of HP at a time.
(D'oh, I thought you said what *about* ToD and Hound, as in how to heal them)
Thanks alot guys! The cleric forums are very friendly =)
Mass Heal
Blade Barrier
Greater Command/Command
Resist Energy
Remove Curse/Disease (although I carry pots- only off of SP bar in emergency)
Mass Protection from Elements
Death Ward/Mass Deathward
Mass Spell Resistance
Prot. from Evil
Magic Circle
True Seeing (scroll it if you can afford)
Freedom of Movement
Death Pact
Break Enchantment
Banishment (Situationally useful)
I'm sure I forgot one or two
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
don´t forget panacea as a lvl 4 spell
easily removes a ton of ailments, and heals for a bit as well (and can save some lvl 3 spots)
Raise Dead comes in scroll form. If you have to res people more than the scrolls you normally carry, then the party ain't worth staying in. It's good to carry around 5~10.
Remove Curse comes in a potion form that can be cast on others and anyone can use it. Always have a stack of 100 of these.
Restoration comes in scroll form. This is great when it comes to stat damage, but not so much for a lot of neg levels. Carry around 10~15.
Ardor comes in potion form at low levels. This is handy if you cannot afford a superior devotion or superior ardor item at early levels. Great for those "big fights" you're about to enter. Carry around 5 at low levels.
And finally... Haste comes in potion form. Great for early levels and you have to get to a shrine previously found fast for whatever reason. Carry 2~5 at low levels.
The things listed are very affordable and every cleric is capable of getting them. These are something of a must if you are in a rough pug group.
Guys ive been running now with superior ardor now for some time ive hit level 10 and im finding that when grouping with some people (generally the ones that arnt self sufficiant and blame me for there death..) that the 3 shots on the ardor weapon arnt enough to last to next shrine or whatever. anyone have any tips on how to replace the ardor weapons?
Get more and carry them with you. I usually have three sets of clickies with me. One is amaras belt, with 3 Superior Ardor VIII clickies and two heavy maces with Superior Ardor VI clickies. Gives me a total of 9 superior ardor clickies I have with me at all times. If I know ahead of time I am in for heavy healing duty, i will stop by the bank and grab a third, giving me a total of 12 clickies i can use. Thats usually more than enough to last between shrines. The superior ardor clickies can be found on the ah at a relatively cheap price.
If you cant carry three items dedicated for clickie use, you can always get Ardor Pots. I think - some one please confirm if you would be so kind - the ardor pots go up the Greater Ardor V. I havent seen any Superior Ardor pots or any pot higher than level 5.
Last edited by Pape_27; 11-15-2010 at 09:24 AM.
I'd start by getting an additional Ardor weapon. You can carry more than one and since it's just a clicky, you don't even have to weild it - just activate it and then switch back to whatever you had been weilding before. I'd also keep a Devotion or Potency item handy as well. Devotion or Potency don't give as much of a healing boost as Ardor, but it's constant and you don't have to keep track of it. I wore the Docent of Corpsecraft (Greater Devotion VI) that I used alongside a Superior Ardor clickie until I picked up Greater Potency VII on my Dragontouched Docent.
You can also get Greater and Superior Devotion potions in the House J shop that's right next to the teleporter.