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  1. #1
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    Default We need balance between light and dark again!

    Well, now that U7 is live there seems to me at least like the difference between light and dark path monks has become very big. Lets just look at what they get:
    ToD (10 AP, assuming you take ninja spy, and while it does quite a bit of damage, since its now neg energy, a lot of mobs are immune to the dmg (including ANYTHING with DW, which is sad, if it just were undead I would be fine).
    3d6 Sneak attack (while this is really nice, its kinda the biggest benefit for dark monks right now it seems. 3d6 while nice, isnt a whole lot considering it only works when you dont have aggro, and are up against mobs with less than 100% fort.)
    The level 6 Invis thingy (Arguably the biggest benefit of ninja spy, 25% incorporeality that stacks with everything IS really nice, however, it isn't enough to carry ninja spy alone)
    A few mostly useless things (Water strider, some minor skill bonuses, shortsword abilities, faster sneaking, which all doesn't really add too much)

    Smite tainted creature is bugged, so I won't be talking much about it, but if/when it gets fixed it will be even worse.
    High bonuses to saves and AC - To be honest that helps shintao do what it was supposed to do. Support instead of pure dps
    X, light, X finishers: Really nice and helps shintao do what it is supposed to do
    However, the problem lies in how shintao probably can get HIGHER dps while still doing the support stuff. Here is the list of all the stuff of that kind they get:
    Jade strike - Could possibly be as much more dps as dark monk gets from tod and SA against bosses like harry, if you consider having more than 1-2 players. Yes, its supposed to be nice, but while the dark monks struggle to get anything from their SA because of the aggro system, and thus only have ToD to rely upon, this is a quite large boost.
    DR breaking - Now here is the thing. This adds more dmg than SA against anything with a decent amount of DR (again, lets say harry) because of that DR/15 is kinda huge, but you avoid the DR while still using your dps weps which probably have 10 or so more dmg per strike, which is about the amount that dark monks get from SA, except they dont because of things like fort and aggro.
    And THEN we have all the things like kukan-do and so on. It just doesn't add up.

    So I would really like to see a buff to NS soon, because right now shintao gets all their useful benefits AND can do comparable dps, which just isn't right.
    Last edited by Fecerak; 11-11-2010 at 06:27 AM.

  2. #2
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    The ToD nerf wasn't needed the bump to shintao was needed.

    I think before we try to balance light and dark and the pre's we need to just sit tight for ninja pre3 or of course you can always just switch to light/shintao.

    I'm still crossing my fingers they just give the ninja pre x3 crit profiles, I'd be happy with that

  3. #3
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    What I hope Ninja 3 is:
    Autovorpal on shortswords (would be a nice benefit even though it isn't too huge)
    3d6 Sneak attack
    Faster sneaking and skill bonuses and such
    A cool not very powerful in combat ability (Abundant step for half or no Ki perhaps?)
    And then perhaps something that applies to undead, or perhaps just the x3 crit or something like that.

  4. #4
    Founder Fafnir's Avatar
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    Having just TR a half orc shintao to 20, it's not all that. Ninja is still superior dps.

    In my opinion, and ymmv, Jade strike, Tomb, Dismissing strike, Kukan Do are, frankly, more annoying than awesome.

  5. #5
    Community Member Deaths_ward's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
    Having just TR a half orc shintao to 20, it's not all that. Ninja is still superior dps.

    In my opinion, and ymmv, Jade strike, Tomb, Dismissing strike, Kukan Do are, frankly, more annoying than awesome.
    But, way more fun. ToD wasn't fun before and it isn't fun now, I mean it's 'Watch his hp drop, wait 15 seconds while his hp slowly drops, then watch him die', that was it. You didn't really have any reason to use other strikes, Even now, it's just click, wait,.......wait some more, click again repeat. Only difference is you'll have to repeat 9-10 times instead of 4-5.

    Shintao/Light monks bring some really cool buffs, and the whole self/party healing with FoL, and have a handful of nifty abilities for use on trash.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Resilian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
    Having just TR a half orc shintao to 20, it's not all that. Ninja is still superior dps.

    In my opinion, and ymmv, Jade strike, Tomb, Dismissing strike, Kukan Do are, frankly, more annoying than awesome.
    Jade strike was too hard to tell if it actually landed especially on bosses. Tomb of Jade was resisted almost every time for me in Amrath, but outside of Amrath it seemed to land a little more often..though still not often a 60 second cooldown is terrible. Dismissing Strike I like because it eliminated the need for banishers and it works on devils and fiend-bloods. Kukan-Do is great..was able to stun orange named mobs in elite IQ. Overall I decided to respec back to Dark because for trash mobs I kill way faster and have less to worry about, and for bosses I can ToD -> fist of darkx 2 -> dark finisher -> earth strike x 3 -> earth finisher -> TOD is ready again so it's still a nice continued chain of DPS strikes with the added bonus of dark finisher helping all dark monks hit for better TOD damage.

    Overall as it's been said the dark path is still very good dps and probably just above light monks, but still above. It's merely you want to kill trash faster, or stun mobs more often for others to kill faster.

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  7. #7
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Dark path still destroy's light path on dps, at least my monk does. /popcorn

  8. #8
    Community Member Xeraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
    In my opinion, and ymmv, Jade strike, Tomb, Dismissing strike, Kukan Do are, frankly, more annoying than awesome.
    Smite is a half-assed lame attempt at catching up to Touch of Death.

    Jade Strike helps, but the save is WAY too low.

    Tomb of Jade is kind of cool, but is extremely limited on targets by saves and effectiveness, and thus is essentially a wasted hotbar slot unless you are a level 20 doing favor runs under level 10.

    Kukan Do is the only truly useful ability in the entire Shintao line.

    As for Touch of Death, it needs to be Untyped. It needs to get past Death Ward, Boss Ward, Epic Ward, whatever. I haven't played my Ninja since the update due to working on a couple half orcs

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xeraphim View Post
    As for Touch of Death, it needs to be Untyped. It needs to get past Death Ward, Boss Ward, Epic Ward, whatever. I haven't played my Ninja since the update due to working on a couple half orcs
    ToD is currnetly unaffected by Boss Ward and Epic Ward since those abilities only prevent instant-kill effects and do not prevent negative energy damage.

    Death Ward, however, does prevent negative energy damage and will therefore negate Touch of Death damage. Fortunately, there are relatively few mobs which cast this spell and it's not often that you will run into non-undead/construct enemies which are immune to ToD.

    I do notice that the mino shamans in Frame Work cast it though. =/ This severely annoys my PM wizard. I had to use scorching ray on them when I was farming for the set. What? Spending mana to kill something??? Inconceivable!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fecerak View Post
    What I hope Ninja 3 is:
    Autovorpal on shortswords (would be a nice benefit even though it isn't too huge)
    3d6 Sneak attack
    Faster sneaking and skill bonuses and such
    A cool not very powerful in combat ability (Abundant step for half or no Ki perhaps?)
    And then perhaps something that applies to undead, or perhaps just the x3 crit or something like that.
    x3 crit for shortswords would be fine. x3 crit for fists would be overpowered.

    However, the only reason a monk would use shortswords would be for on-crit effects since fists will still provide superior damage, even if shortswords had a x3 multiplier. You'd be better off asking for a +1 to the crit RANGE of shortswords so that your on-crit effects fire more often.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gurgar78 View Post
    x3 crit for shortswords would be fine. x3 crit for fists would be overpowered.

    However, the only reason a monk would use shortswords would be for on-crit effects since fists will still provide superior damage, even if shortswords had a x3 multiplier. You'd be better off asking for a +1 to the crit RANGE of shortswords so that your on-crit effects fire more often.
    Why do you think a x3 crit would be overpowered on a 19-20 crit profile (that is of course with a feat.)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soleran View Post
    Why do you think a x3 crit would be overpowered on a 19-20 crit profile (that is of course with a feat.)
    Dark monks are currently doing very competitive DPS with a x2 crit multiplier due to superior base weapon damage and penalty-free offhand attacks. Increasing their multiplier to x3 would be a significant increase in DPS against any enemy with less than 100% fortification. Not only would physical crits be higher, but I would imagine it would yield a signficant increase in the multiple bursting effects that high-end monks have attached to each attack.

    Because they are currently doing competitive DPS, the significant boost that would result from a x3 multiplier on their handwraps would push them well beyond other classes.

    Not to mention who would bother taking a light path monk if dark path got a x3 multiplier to their h2h attacks?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fecerak View Post
    So I would really like to see a buff to NS soon, because right now shintao gets all their useful benefits AND can do comparable dps, which just isn't right.
    Ninja III will add a bunch of sneak attack and some other helpful feature, which will mostly fix it. Then they just have to drop one of the prereqs for TOD and make debuff-finishers more valuable, and it's fine.

  14. #14
    Community Member Ssmooth's Avatar
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    I'm not sure how a light monk would come CLOSE to the dps of a dark monk, but hey, to each their own

    I know that my 1/2ling dark monk can wait 2 minutes before beginning to attack in epic chrono and will have aggro in a very short amount of time, ie: less than 1 minute.

    While light monks can use their mabar wraps to bypass dr, the radiant blast certainly doesn't go off every 15 seconds nor can it do 1500+ damage(outside of vamps) so the wraps still do not bring the dps close to even.

    No change is neccessary.
    Bjornegar, Bloodtrail, Chronogear, Clarkk, Flied, Nugente, Soulgear, Ssmooth, Throrin

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