UPDATE: I am not doing this build as WSS anymore - simply doing it as a STR based unarmed character.
So I have been/am toying with the idea of a Clonk that is str based, and picking up whirling steel strike to use longswords as ki weapons. Taking the 3 levels of monk gives me access to all the light path buffs, most notably: Aligning the heavens, fists of light, and healing ki.
I was going to do it as a half-elf ala the fighter dil, but in my impatience for the update I rolled it as a human, mostly for the human adaptability and healing amp.
So the idea is that I will play him as a melee toon spamming fists of light and with radiant servant to conserve my SP.
So my main question is this....
Is the use of longswords worth the feat investment? Basically takes 2 (3 if you count the needed proficiency - which i basically use an "extra" feat on).
If its not really worth the dps bonus of going str and longswords then I will prolly just reroll him as the Valiance build, but without the rogue level.
Also Just as a note, I do not raid or run epics, this will primarily be a solo/levelling toon. Thanks in advance for any help!
After the discussion that has taken place in this thread I have built the following:
I would like some advice on my enhancement selection. I selected the heal spell crit enhancements because I wasn't sure if they applied to the Radiant Servant auras chance to crit.Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.7.1 DDO Character Planner Home Page Breaksolo Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male (3 Monk \ 17 Cleric) Hit Points: 247 Spell Points: 1126 BAB: 14\14\19\24 Fortitude: 14 Reflex: 11 Will: 19 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 16 19 Dexterity 15 17 Constitution 12 12 Intelligence 8 8 Wisdom 16 22 Charisma 8 9 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 8 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 2 12 Bluff -1 -1 Concentration 5 25 Diplomacy -1 -1 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle -1 -1 Heal 3 8 Hide 2 3 Intimidate -1 -1 Jump 4 13 Listen 3 6 Move Silently 2 3 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair -1 -1 Search -1 -1 Spot 3 6 Swim 3 4 Tumble 3 4 Use Magic Device n/a n/a Level 1 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell Feat: (Human Bonus) Toughness Level 2 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting Level 3 (Monk) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack Level 4 (Monk) Level 5 (Cleric) Level 6 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Level 7 (Cleric) Level 8 (Cleric) Level 9 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting Level 10 (Cleric) Level 11 (Cleric) Level 12 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell Level 13 (Cleric) Level 14 (Cleric) Level 15 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting Level 16 (Cleric) Level 17 (Cleric) Level 18 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Spell Penetration Level 19 (Cleric) Level 20 (Cleric) Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant I Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant II Enhancement: Unyielding Sovereignty Enhancement: Follower of the Sovereign Host Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Wisdom I Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Improved Heal I Enhancement: Improved Heal II Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life II Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life III Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot II Enhancement: Cleric Charisma I Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom II Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom III Enhancement: Cleric Divine Vitality I Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning I Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning II Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
Basically my playstyle is:
Using handwraps I run around in sun stance, I use passive healing via fists of light and the radiant servant aura to heal and buff while conserving spell points. In situations where I need to not be meleeing I can go into water stance and offensive cast and healbot.
I have taken this build (only to level 5: 3monk / 2 cleric) and soloed all of TR at level 4, and all of Delera's at level 5 (died on the last boss due to not having a deathblock item)
I can give myself the water stance buff to conserve SP, I can buff all the light side buffs, and running in fire stance I have ZERO problem keeping the ki up to have myself at full health, with at least one or more mini-buffs on me.
I hope to be able to solo most content in the game with this build.
NOTE: I understand my placing that one level up point in dex is odd, the reason is that The Sublime does not allow DDO store use, and I can not be certain I will have a +2 dex tome by that time.
Look forward to hearing more insight from the community!