Looking for two plain +1 Paralyzing Khopeshes. (ML:10 No RR)
keep an eye out or get ahold of me if you come across them, thanks.
Looking for two plain +1 Paralyzing Khopeshes. (ML:10 No RR)
keep an eye out or get ahold of me if you come across them, thanks.
Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)
items acquired. Thanks for the help. Trying to get ahead on the Ice games this year.
Last edited by Merlocke; 11-23-2010 at 02:04 PM. Reason: items acquired
Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)