Magic Missile used to have an attack roll, and this was change (just found out, but happen in July) doing about 6 dmg for a level 1 wizard (2+int Mod).
Seems to have some interesting consequences, most notably that this is a step back towards 3.5 and 2. Combined with the 're release' of the Red Box. Does this mean with that WotWC have realized a potential err in their progression from 3.5 to 4?
To sum up some of the consequences, ill quote an email I sent to my group, based on my understanding of the change.
1.) It is auto dmg. No stopping it. Cover, concealment, invisibility, prone, running, marked all that stuff that would normally make it harder to hit stuff is ignored.
2.) It only does about 7 (2+int mod) dmg, but that is equal to about 1d12+1. And when you can do this as a minor (via an daily power I think that enables this for the rest of the encounter), every turn, that is some nasty dmg.
3.) Minons in the game have only 1 HP, but they can be pretty hard to hit, they normally have higher AC will ect. You are now a Minion Pwner!
4. Magic Missile is the most iconic old school wizard spell in the book (next to fireball maybe). This change moved 4e back towards 3.5 where magic missile was an auto hit. Very interesting moves from the WtWC development team (in addition to the re release of the red box)
5.) There is no attack part of the spell any more. Just auto force dmg. Technically I think that means that stuff that is triggered by an attack does not take place. ie if someone is granted temp HP on being attacked, they dont get the Temp HP. If Ottis is marked, and he does Magic Missile, then its not an attack, so does not suffer an opportunity attack.
6.) A level 11 adult black dragon has 560 HP, so about 85 min/maxed 20 int lv1 wizards could kill it in one round (assuming a few are killed when the dragon goes first.)