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  1. #1
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    Default When to use Lay on Hands

    I've been playing Paladin's for about 6 months and have gotten fairly good at staying alive. I was running Stormcleave on hard at lvl 10 with a lvl 7 barb and got wiped fighting the general that has all the undead. I've done that fight at lower levels on hard before, but something whet wrong with my LoH. So, I though I'd ask the community their thoughts on how to effectively use/time Lay on Hands.

    I've noticed that sometimes my LoH doesn't go off when I hit the hot key. I usually spam divine sacrifice/smite during tougher fights and wonder if those get in the way of pulling off a mid-combat LoH.

    My philosophy on LoH is only use it when you will get the most bang for your buck/have lost enough hit points to make full use of the LoH. My lvl 10 toon needs to be down to about 35 hp (and in the middle of a fight) before I tend to use one. 90% of the time there is no problem, but once in a while...


  2. #2
    Community Member LookingForABentoBox's Avatar
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    If you were fighting undead, perhaps the problem was you had undead targeted when you use your Lay on Hands. It's possible to use Lay on Hands as an offensive attack versus undead and that might have used it up. A non-undead enemy can't be attacked that way and the lay on hands will bounce back to you.
    Argonnessen mains: Pinku, Ohtaku

  3. #3
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khumbaaba View Post
    I've been playing Paladin's for about 6 months and have gotten fairly good at staying alive. I was running Stormcleave on hard at lvl 10 with a lvl 7 barb and got wiped fighting the general that has all the undead. I've done that fight at lower levels on hard before, but something whet wrong with my LoH. So, I though I'd ask the community their thoughts on how to effectively use/time Lay on Hands.

    I've noticed that sometimes my LoH doesn't go off when I hit the hot key. I usually spam divine sacrifice/smite during tougher fights and wonder if those get in the way of pulling off a mid-combat LoH.

    My philosophy on LoH is only use it when you will get the most bang for your buck/have lost enough hit points to make full use of the LoH. My lvl 10 toon needs to be down to about 35 hp (and in the middle of a fight) before I tend to use one. 90% of the time there is no problem, but once in a while...

    Just keep your hands to yourself and youll be okay. Plus you never know what you could catch touching someone else.
    Oh and if youre fighting undead and have them targeted youll hit them with it inflicting damage.

  4. #4
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    35 HP is a little tight - you can get one-shotted at that point before the LOH lands. you should know how much healing your LOH does so any time after you have lost that many HP is a good time. As you get more experienced you will learn how to read a fight and know if it is about to end (don't waste the LOH) or if it will be going on for a while (heal up!).
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  5. #5
    Community Member Alternative's Avatar
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    There IS a little issue with cooldowns still, I notice this when I cast buffs or use clickies one after another. Sometimes one won't go off but the cooldown will start - if then you keep hitting the buff/clicky icon it will go off after a second. Same thing happens with loh, when there's much action going on it won't go off sometimes. Not sure how many people noticed this as it a very short action that will either work or get you killed.

  6. #6
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    Something happened on that run. I don't know if I was targeting the undead or there was a cool down issue as I was using div sac/exh smite constantly.

    I did know you could give a pally touch of death with LoH, but it never occurred to me that I might have been touching skellies instead of myself. Don't want to catch hand-rott, better watch what I touch!

  7. #7
    Community Member JohnWarlock's Avatar
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    Actually as a paladin that can be very frustrating I remember learning that LOH affected undead in Raiyum, smacked his undead form with 3 LoHs and killed him on elite. lol

    Of course that was years ago, but that's why your LoH seem to expire at times, when fighting undead press F1 first to target yourself and then hit your LoH, or you'll just damage undead instead.

    Personally I take my total hps - LOH damage and if that is 50% less than my full health, that's when I use it if the cleric is not healing me for any reason. Unless you have enough umd and have a chance to use a heal scroll. I always save my LOH for emergencies, aka normally I just run around like a headless chicken using scrolls/wands/pots depending on my paladins level. If the situation is dire/critial less than 20% - 25% health and the mobs do alot of damage and can't get away, I'll LoH, or Unyielding Sovereignty myself, and keep attacking.

  8. #8
    Community Member laeris's Avatar
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    I tend to use it when the group is spread out and the healer is stressed, either on myself or party members

    Otherwise, save for yourself for '**** happens'.

    Save your Sovereignty for removing DP's from your CC or your healer if they go down

  9. #9
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    It's an overall judgement call for me.....I generally save all mine for the...OMG I'm a about to die and noone else can save me moment....or I will use them up right before I shrine.

    The only time I use them on another person is if I know I am getting along fine and they need it to keep from dying......or at a critical point to keep the party from wiping...otherwise they are all for me for emergencies only.

    If I have time to wand/potion/heal scroll myself I will always use those options first.

  10. #10
    Community Member ARcdevil's Avatar
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    about occasionly using an ability of some kind (Loh, rage, ETC) You use up a use of the ability and the cooldown starts. It hasn't happened with Loh for me yet however I havent played a paladin very much.
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  11. #11
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    since LOH isn't quite "insta-cast" you can be prevented from using if incoming damage kills you first, between you pressing the button and the action being carried out. I would suggest applying principles outlined earlier; if there are lots of mobs and you are low on hp and so are others, do the healer a favour and save your ass so they can sort the barb/fighter/whoever who needs some help.


  12. #12
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    Sorry misread post please ignore

  13. #13
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Lay on hands when they deserve it!!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khumbaaba View Post
    My philosophy on LoH is only use it when you will get the most bang for your buck/have lost enough hit points to make full use of the LoH. My lvl 10 toon needs to be down to about 35 hp (and in the middle of a fight) before I tend to use one. 90% of the time there is no problem, but once in a while...

    Dying 1 time in 10 sounds like it would really suck .

    If you are taking heavy agro then you may need to hit your lay on hands earlier , if you are getting pecked for a point of damage by a lone squirrel then you have more time .

    Trying to squeeze out the extra 10 hit points of healing may get you killed . If it looks like you are gonna die before the fight is over then use it when having a full bar will get you to the end of the fight .

    My personal preffered time to use my lay on hands tends to be about a milisecond before the cleric hits me with a heal spell . ( .....Umm dont think the clerics gonna heal me here better lay on hands , click , the cleric heals you up to full , your lay on hands goes of healing you for zip , haha you suck BM )

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