I'm mostly concerned about using them in epics, because I think I'm going to use Lit2 for almost everything else. I have a WF pure FvS (Sirgog's Soul Survivor build), but I'm sure it applies to others. I have a dreamspitter, which works great if there are other people in the party using Dreamspitters, but I sometimes feel like I'm lowering the max hitpoints after the damage has been done.
On the flip side, dreamspitters will make holds last longer, and make the mob more susceptable to repeated stuns and earthgrabs from other members of the party by lowering their saves.
That said, I wonder if I should contribute more to making monsters auto-crittable.
I'm strength based, so I could stand taking the -4 penalty and still hit trash with power attack off, or after getting some additional gear if I chose to use a greataxe (for x3 multiplier) or I could just go Greatsword which is only x2, but may allow me to keep power attack on, or at least hit more consistently so that Earthgrab goes off more often.
Anyway, I'd appreciate it if anyone has experience in this choice. Earthgrab Greataxe/sword or Dreamspitter?
I know, the eSOS ends all arguments.