answers in purple.You mention that i wouldnt be able to measure up because i dont even have the quicken, maximise, and empower feats.
I do not understand what any of these would bring to my build.
They're the bare minimum feats to get if you plan to heal btw.
Quicken- Why do i need to heal faster, its already fairly quick and more than efficient would just blow more SP for no good reason. If spell A is on cooldown and i need another quick heal, i just use Spell B.
So you can rotate heals faster? So you wont fail healing when you get hit? Because even w/ max con you'll get spell failure on a failed concentration check? So you can land more CC faster?
Maximise- My damage spells do double damage? umm great what damaging spells do i cast? sound burst... for the stun not the dmg :P More wasted SP imo.
Incase you didn't know, Maximize also affects all healing spells excluding heal/mass heal/greater resto
Empower- According to tooltip another dmg booster i think it may boost healing aswell but im not too sure. either way i have empower healing so why bother More wasted SP
Because its much more efficient to emp heal + maximize + ardor/pot + enhancements a cure light wounds spell than cycle 3 different kinds of heal on a single target?