I'd like to build a Wiz 18/Rog 2, but I was wondering about which race to choose. The three options worth considering are WF, Drow, and human. For reference, I'm F2P but have access to WF and Drow. I still need to earn access to 32 point builds (unless I go with Drow). Anyway, here's what I see as their benefits and drawbacks of each race as well as the stats I would give each of them at level 1 for reference.
WF - Str 14 Dex 8 Con 16 Int 18 Wis 10 Cha 6
Pros - Most hp of the races, easy self-healing, able to enter melee more easily when sp runs out (esp. at low levels)
Cons - Fewest skill points (more on this later), would have to wait until I earned 32 point builds
Human - Str 14 Dex 8 Con 14 Int 18 Wis 12 Cha 8
Pros - Extra skill point over WF, respectable hp
Cons - would have to wait for 32 point builds, self-healing is difficult but manageable at high levels
Drow - Str 14 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 8 Cha 10
Pros - Highest DCs, extra skill point over WF
Cons - Measly hp, self-healing is difficult but manageable at high levels, difficult to enter melee
I had always assumed I'd do WF for this build once I earned it, but after playing around with the character generator I'm second guessing that idea. The reason is lack of somewhat important skills. The skills I would like to max are listed below in order of their importance. Unfortunately with the WF, I only max 4 of the 6 and come close on a 5th (20 ranks out of 23). Drow and Human each get me 20 more points to play with (equates to 11 more ranks). Honestly, what I'd appreciate is for someone to convince me I don't need one of these skills (either OL or UMD) so I could just go with WF, but maybe that won't be the case.
In the order of their importance to me are:
Disable Device: Do traps or go home. This build needs to fill the trapmonkey role or it's not worth its salt, IMO.
Search: See DD.
Concentration: Spells provide a fun and helpful diversion between traps, though spells are secondary for me.
Spot: Essential at higher levels when traps are sometimes random or when I forget where the static traps are.
Open Lock: I'm hoping that Knock is sufficient at higher levels. Can someone let me know?
Use Magic Device: The importance of this is apparent for human or Drow (self-heals), but do I need this maxed for a WF wiz?
I suppose this post boils down whether all those skills are necessary. If I can get by without 1 or 2, I'm going WF without question. If they are then I have to choose between hp and easy self-heals or more skill points.