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  1. #1
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    Default Loot roll automating

    Following on from all the drama about ninja rollers last weekend I have a suggestion....

    Make the rolling for BTA/BTC items automatic!

    Give the group/raid leader an option to put any item up for roll, this option would need to be ok'd by the person who the loot is originally intended for. Then everyone else in the group gets a pop up option to roll for the loot. When everyone has rolled (and to prevent idiots, after a maximum length of time) the rolls happen, all is displayed in chat log and then the winner automatically loots the item being rolled on.


    Revers group, 12 people. A through L. A is leader.

    Madstone Boots drops for raid member D but he already has them/does not want them. Raid leader A see's them in the chest after all trash loot is gone and clicks his option to put them up to roll. Player D confirms. Players A, B, E and G roll on them. G wins and auto loots them!

    Now there is no way that player G could have rolled on them on behalf of player B as he has now looted them and can not pass them. However, if they dropped for him then he would still have the option to allocate his loot to player B if he wanted to.

    Of course this removes a bit of the common sense aspect of loot, especially when dealing with them boots that casters ALWAYS roll on despite them being useless for them (not being able to cast a spell for 2 mins = useless) but it would prevent drama where people roll for their friends.

  2. #2
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    I think the mechanic needs a few tweaks, but your on the right track. very good idea indeed to stop proxy rolling.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    I think the mechanic needs a few tweaks, but your on the right track. very good idea indeed to stop proxy rolling.
    Thank you. Was just an initial idea, figured it would need tweaking but its got to be better than the current system

  4. #4
    Community Member Zuldar's Avatar
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    Interesting idea, though I'd recommend removing the party leader from the equation. Just have whoever the loot belongs to decide whether to put it up for roll or not.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    An excellent idea!

    Here is how I would suggest it should work:

    1: Exclude raid loot from the loot all function. You should only be able to remove raid loot by clicking on the item.

    2: When you click on a raid piece you should get a dialog box asking you if you (a) want to loot the item, or (b) give it away to a roll. If you select (a) the item goes directly to your inventory, if you select (b) the item goes to a roll.

    3: When a player gives away a raid piece all other members of the raid still in the instance should get a dialogue box asking if they want to roll. Give them 15 seconds to confirm or dismiss. When those 15 seconds have passed the item should go directly to the highest roller's inventory and bind.

    This should remove all raid loot drama

  6. #6
    Community Member testing1234's Avatar
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    two people go afk have dinner when they come back all others have left and he who has the item can put up for for roll and the only one left is his friend who wanted item.

    its a good idea but need need be a limit to how long after you opened the chest the roll can be made so people who wants to roll can if they want wait for the 30mintues to see if he puts item up for roll

  7. #7
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testing1234 View Post
    two people go afk have dinner when they come back all others have left and he who has the item can put up for for roll and the only one left is his friend who wanted item.

    its a good idea but need need be a limit to how long after you opened the chest the roll can be made so people who wants to roll can if they want wait for the 30mintues to see if he puts item up for roll
    You have a problem with someone passing there loot to a friend, when you didn't loot it in the first place? you sound kind of greedy to me.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  8. #8
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    Almost sounds like the Need/Greed rolling systems of other MMOs

    Honestly, though, your loot chance is rolled when the chest pops, right?
    Anything beyond that is the old Division of Spoils over the table at the Inn after the adventure, in a way?

    So, what if when 'your' loot pops, you are the only one that sees it.
    The current drop down list lets you trade to another player - so add another option on that list to make it visible for all to see and be up for a roll.
    It appears in the chest, and a roll toggle appears for everyone else
    The game auto rolls, and assigns it to another party member anonymously. They can then take it, or use the dropdown to pass it, or use the same option to put it up for a roll / autoshuffle pass again.
    Round and round it goes - lol.

    That way once you commit it to the roll, it is out of your hands regardless if the Barb or the Wizzie rolls on it or who stepped on who's toes about .... whatever the root of loot drama happens to be at that moment.

    Less bullying, drama, etc, and less entitlement issues.

    I would definitely not be in favor of allowing anyone to be a Master Looter in this game, however; Raid Leader or not.

  9. #9
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    i also dont think the party leader should have a say in it, in your example what happen if the party leader put it to roll even the "original" looter takes time to click it (its common pratice to let the loot in the chest for a moment so people can see it, even if you dont put it to roll)

    but yea the idea is still good, commeing from the player and abiding by the idea, "my name is on the loot so ii is my loot"

    i open the chest see a named item

    - i can take it
    - i can pass it to whoever i want
    - i can put it to roll, but then in a selfmade mecanism with no way to cancel it, an automatic roll that make the winner get the item with no chance to trade it again.

    but this mecanism is not as easy as it seems, it needs a new window box, it needs a timer (which isnt easy to determine), it needs to bypass the warning of "that loot is going to bind to you" or make it happen when the player click on "yes" in "roll box"

    this will probably takes time

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MateCarefor View Post
    Almost sounds like the Need/Greed rolling systems of other MMOs

    I would definitely not be in favor of allowing anyone to be a Master Looter in this game, however; Raid Leader or not.

    1. I played EQ2 and WoW (omg I said it!) before this and like the need before greed system, however I also like the DDO system where we all get our own loot. That need not change, just do something so that when an item goes for roll it goes to the person who rolled the highest, NO PROXY ROLLING.

    2. I agree, in hindsight allowing the group leader to have any say in this is pointless, especially if said group leader just wanted completion, looted his stuff, left the instance then dropped the group so a random leader was selected.

    So, how about this (modernisation on my original idea)...

    Player A is awarded item X but does not want it.

    He now has 3 options...
    1. Loot it to vendor/save in bank/leave in chest
    2. Give to a friend who does want it
    3. Put item for roll.

    Assume he chooses 3, all members of the group get a chance to roll. Highest roll wins and player A passes to winner. That item is then put straight into the winners backpack, removing all possibility of proxy rolling.

  11. #11
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    I think a much simpler solution would be for no one but you to be able to see the loot that drops in your name. At that point, if it drops in your name, it is your loot, and your to decide what to do with it. I don't think there really needs to be an automated system for loot rolling.

  12. #12
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    The ONLY person that should have any say what to do with the loot that is under their name is the person it dropped for.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
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  13. #13
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    You have a problem with someone passing there loot to a friend, when you didn't loot it in the first place? you sound kind of greedy to me.
    I do think that proxy rolling is shady.

    I think this is trying to address that issue.

    /indifference anyway

    If I see someone proxy roll, I'll just exclude them from any of my groups.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    The ONLY person that should have any say what to do with the loot that is under their name is the person it dropped for.
    EXACTLY! And the point of this rolling system would be to rule out any proxy rolling. When the loot is allocated to someone else then that person auto-loots it. End of.

  15. #15
    Community Member testing1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    You have a problem with someone passing there loot to a friend, when you didn't loot it in the first place? you sound kind of greedy to me.
    my suggestion was mostly meant to stop proxy rolling and as such give the item owner bigger control over his loot but i phrased myself clumsily so was easily misunderstood.

    is it unreasonable for a single player in a pug raid party who is willing to offer any raid item they dont need for roll to expect get the same treatment, is it greedy or is it fair?

    often players who intended to give items to friends never proclaim their intentions before start and often see no trouble with rolling for items others put up for roll and even give their won rolls to friends if they needed but didnt win roll.

    why its hard to say who is wrong or right as it is the the players who use the roll system has no way other then faith in other players to know that their offer for rolls will be obeyed.

    if a put up for roll item was implemented i now think once someone won roll for item they should not be able to transfer the item to anyone else.

  16. #16
    Community Member Sinni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaNeed View Post

    So, how about this (modernisation on my original idea)...

    Player A is awarded item X but does not want it.

    He now has 3 options...
    1. Loot it to vendor/save in bank/leave in chest
    2. Give to a friend who does want it
    3. Put item for roll.

    Assume he chooses 3, all members of the group get a chance to roll. Highest roll wins and player A passes to winner. That item is then put straight into the winners backpack, removing all possibility of proxy rolling.
    This is an implementation i'd support:

    Basically it ends with the same as we already have with the additional option to make a "proxy roll safe" public roll for everyone.
    You can still do with your loot whatever you want, but if you put it up for public roll you don't have to worry about scammers. It even still allows you to make guild-only rolls (by using the same we do already) or "only clerics and fvs are allowed to roll on this Lorriks Champion" or whatever.

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  17. #17
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    some people need to learn to read

    the OP doesn't want the need before greed system of mmo's like wow op wants the option

    1) the raid leader choses if he wants to implement it in his raid and

    2) after that system is on the person who gets named loot can
    a) loot it or
    b) put it up for a roll and the loot goes to the inventory of the winner of the roll automticly so no more passing it along to outher friends from then on .

    english isn't my native langauge so while outhers can't read i can't write sorry for the spellin errors
    Virt II makes elujin smile !

  18. #18
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    /not signed

    I find when you have games where there is automatic rolling you get people who roll on everything without even looking at the description. Very annoying. Maybe a system of need before greed could be established without being about to need on stuff that is not going to benefit your class, I would support that.

  19. #19
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    This seems like a good idea. Im not sure how the previous poster would put it up for guild only rolls. This is a practice that is kind of annoying particularly if its not stated previously in the LFM. If Im pugging and do my part then if something is put up for roll everyone should get an equal chance. If you set it up for a guild only roll I want to be able to exclude a guild from the roll.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillEveryone View Post
    I do think that proxy rolling is shady.

    I think this is trying to address that issue.

    /indifference anyway

    If I see someone proxy roll, I'll just exclude them from any of my groups.
    Agreed. It's a fine idea. works well in other MMORPGs, but I'm not absolutely suffering without it either.

    They could always only allow the original owner to change ownership. If you transfer an item in chest that person has some amount of time (30 seconds?) to pick up the item before it reverts back to the original owner if not picked up in that time. But the 'new' owner couldn't reassign it.

    Assume he chooses 3, all members of the group get a chance to roll. Highest roll wins and player A passes to winner. That item is then put straight into the winners backpack, removing all possibility of proxy rolling.
    Gonna be pretty ticked when you click the wrong name on accident, or lag, or mouse battery dying, or whatever...
    Last edited by rimble; 11-09-2010 at 11:48 AM.

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