Quote Originally Posted by KillEveryone View Post
I do think that proxy rolling is shady.

I think this is trying to address that issue.

/indifference anyway

If I see someone proxy roll, I'll just exclude them from any of my groups.
my post wasn't referring to proxy rolling. my comment was referring to the proposed idea of having only two options when you see a raid item in the chest:

1) loot it
2) automatically everyone gets to roll on it, item is automatically passed to winner and placed in inventory

-my problem was 2 pieces missing here, option 3) passing to a friend (because you want to for whatever reason), and the first part of option 2. what if i want the party to roll on my madstone boots, except i dont want the cleric to have the option to roll on em?

-proxy rolling is something I highly frown upon, and will squelch anyone who engages in such practice.