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  1. #1
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Default Character Housing


    We have Guild how about Character Housing? Allow Characters to build dwellings for themselves with various amenities. Low level players start with a shack, or even maybe an apartment (For a cost of course). Until they get a dwelling, each character will be homeless.

    They can start with a shack and continue to upgrade all the way to a Castle with servants, teleporters, storage space, etc. There can be amenities that are only avaliable in the DDO store and Amenities that can be bought with in-game Plat.

    Don't make the upgrading as easy as the Airship upgrades. Personally, I think it is too easy to upgrade Airships.

    Maybe you should allow all characters on an account share the dwelling.

    This will give players incentive to stay on an continue to play even on a capped toon, if they can continue to build their castle.

    Just a thought.
    Last edited by kinggartk; 11-08-2010 at 04:21 PM.

  2. #2
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    Unless they do it like SWG which they cant I have zero interest.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    By the way, this shouldn't be any harder for Coding than Airships.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post

    By the way, this shouldn't be any harder for Coding than Airships.
    Star wars galaxies before NGE and didnt think it would be hard to code but why bother? in SWG players could build towns and people could see the outside of your house and if you didnt lock it up you could let people come in anytime they wanted to look how you decorated it my wife's and my house was worth billions of credits with the rare items we had in it as well the trophies we had was the thing that made quitting the game about the hardest even though they had killed the game as far as I was concenred

    If the house is just an instance just like the guild ship where you have to do an active invite and people cant see how impressive it is from the outside I see no point and they cant do what would be my interest in such as we dont have a real world we play in with prime locations to compete for.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  5. #5
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    I would like it purely for the ability to store more items. With all these 2,3, and 5 piece sets coming out, most with Epic Versions, I just have no more room for things, and shared bank space does not help one lick.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Housing (guild ships) is fine as-is. I'd like devs to simply leave it alone or even remove guild ships/renown from the game entirely.

    I don't want dev resources wasted on stuff like this when they can focus on pvp instead.

  7. #7
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    My main goal would be give players who don't want to join a guild, the option of housing.

  8. #8
    Community Member CrescentCalling_5's Avatar
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    There is no point, housing "must" have a purpose for it to be viable wasting valuable coding time on it.

    Here are some examples where housing was viable:

    Runescape (oh ye DM, please forgive me for the blasphemy I have uttered just now):
    -Allowed you the capability of crafting undisturbed
    -You could house Trophies and other items to show off to your friends
    -You could store equipment that just wouldn't fit in your bank
    -You could store materials for crafting so that you didn't need to make constant trips to your bank

    D&D Original PnP:
    -Allowed you a place to rest and recuperate in between adventures
    -You could have rooms dedicated to research, laboratories, training halls, and other places to improve your skills or develop new ones
    -You were able to house certain items and materials in your house, as well as develop secret passages among millions of other things, basically imagination = limit.

    Now here's what it could be used for in DDO:
    -Show off trophies
    -Extra Bank Space
    -nothing much else

    It may be relatively easy to code or it may not, but I don't think it's worth adding on when they have so many thousands of other things to improve. If they start adding "real" crafting in the game (like brewing potions, crafting scrolls, smithing ores into weaponry, etc.) and adding small trophies as tokens of your adventures, "then" I could see making player housing. But not until then.
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  9. #9
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    Default It boggles my mind

    that turbine can't copypasta huge chunks of features from LOTRO (and vice versa). I suppose that the differences between instances with fps-style combat vs. traditional MMORPG landscapes* and combat lead to sufficiently divergent codebases (even though it seems to act like they are closely related).

    Things that LOTRO take for granted, like housing and user altered appearance, appear completely off the table in DDO. To abuse the metaphor, the only left "on the table" appears to be huge piles of money that players can't spend. Even if they can't use any debugged code from LOTRO, I would expect that they would at least be interested in trying to sell stuff known to sell before risking beholder-nerfers and other game breaking gear in the store.

    * I've only scratched the surface of f2p LOTRO (and was sufficiently bored that I won't be going back very often). I still don't see how it wouldn't be far easier to slap in residential zones in Stormreach than it would in the much less zoned areas of Middle Earth.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post

    We have Guild how about Character Housing? Allow Characters to build dwellings for themselves with various amenities. Low level players start with a shack, or even maybe an apartment (For a cost of course). Until they get a dwelling, each character will be homeless.

    They can start with a shack and continue to upgrade all the way to a Castle with servants, teleporters, storage space, etc. There can be amenities that are only avaliable in the DDO store and Amenities that can be bought with in-game Plat.

    Don't make the upgrading as easy as the Airship upgrades. Personally, I think it is too easy to upgrade Airships.

    Maybe you should allow all characters on an account share the dwelling.

    This will give players incentive to stay on an continue to play even on a capped toon, if they can continue to build their castle.

    Just a thought.
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  11. #11
    Community Member WyntherKnight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrescentCalling_5 View Post
    There is no point, housing "must" have a purpose for it to be viable wasting valuable coding time on it.
    Purely cosmetics. It's possible to add this to the game without having any sort of impact to the gameplay itself. It's just here for looks, something to do while not adventuring. Also for bragging rights (Ha! My house is bigger and much more fully furnished than yours!)

    It can also be a way for Trubine to get more money from players... especially from those that have too much money in their hands.

    So, will I buy a house and buy furnishings for it in this game. Absolutely not. I rather spend my money wisely on things that I can really use in the game. :P

  12. #12
    Community Member RJBsComputer's Avatar
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    Default Good Luck.....

    Well, it is a nice idea, but it would take to much memory space on the home system to give every single character in the their own house. I hate to think how much lag it would cause too.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delt View Post
    Housing (guild ships) is fine as-is. I'd like devs to simply leave it alone or even remove guild ships/renown from the game entirely.

    I don't want dev resources wasted on stuff like this when they can focus on pvp instead.
    rather have housing then pvp but then I dont want housing really either how about content instead

    Beware the Sleepeater

  14. #14
    Community Member tunabomber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post

    We have Guild how about Character Housing? Allow Characters to build dwellings for themselves with various amenities. Low level players start with a shack, or even maybe an apartment (For a cost of course). Until they get a dwelling, each character will be homeless.

    They can start with a shack and continue to upgrade all the way to a Castle with servants, teleporters, storage space, etc. There can be amenities that are only avaliable in the DDO store and Amenities that can be bought with in-game Plat.

    Don't make the upgrading as easy as the Airship upgrades. Personally, I think it is too easy to upgrade Airships.

    Maybe you should allow all characters on an account share the dwelling.

    This will give players incentive to stay on an continue to play even on a capped toon, if they can continue to build their castle.

    Just a thought.
    If you want that ****,go play lotro.I mean really who cares about a **** house for their chars.

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  15. #15
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WyntherKnight View Post
    Purely cosmetics. It's possible to add this to the game without having any sort of impact to the gameplay itself. It's just here for looks, something to do while not adventuring.
    And it need not be a memory or bandwidth hog either - with some clever coding it could be no more taxing than an extra inventory slot.


    Issue lies with what path devs would like to take DDO on.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    rather have housing then pvp but then I dont want housing really either how about content instead
    To be honest, I was just trolling by emulating the anti-pvp posters (I want more added to the game, whether I like it personally or don't). But I failed. Either my bait sucked or blanket I-don-want-it-because-I-won't-use-it posts only annoy me. I'll figure out which, then maybe try again

  17. #17
    The Hatchery BossOfEarth's Avatar
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    I'm all in favor of more "Pimp my ___" style customization but I don't see the appeal of Character Housing. Lets have a robust "Pimp my half elf face" engine in place before we go crazy with the lincon logs. In any case, Character Housing is worthless to me until smoking jackets are implemented.

  18. #18
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Glad to see a couple of people who agree with me.

    To comment...there is no reason why this should add to Lag, and the Coding should be fairly simple. It would be easy to add a gate somewhere in the Market Place that would take you to a seperate instance. Maybe a teleporter room, various shrine rooms (Stat Shrines), A dining room where your butler can serve you some Gallanda Rations and Gallanda Distillate and Tasty Ham, Your own personal Spirit Binder, Storage rooms, Plat vaults, and sure...Why not some trophies and a trophy case....oooo and your own personal PVP arena.

    Maybe put the low rent district in the Harbor, and High rent district in the Enclave of 12, Middle Class in Phiarlan etc.
    Last edited by kinggartk; 11-09-2010 at 12:11 PM.

  19. #19
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    How about if we can buy our own private life-raft off the side of our guild ship!

    Seriously, though... if they were to go in this direction (about which I have no terribly strong feelings either way) I would prefer something individual to account, and not to character. JMHO
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  20. #20
    Forum Turtle
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    I think character housing would be a lovely bit of fun to 'build' and furnish a home for my toons, as well as a potential gold sink for the game. MMO's ALL have inherntly broken economies by the nature of the game - kill something/do a quest and more money is added into the economy endlessly until the end of the game, and there are not many viable plat sinks in this game.
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