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  1. #1
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Default Character Housing


    We have Guild how about Character Housing? Allow Characters to build dwellings for themselves with various amenities. Low level players start with a shack, or even maybe an apartment (For a cost of course). Until they get a dwelling, each character will be homeless.

    They can start with a shack and continue to upgrade all the way to a Castle with servants, teleporters, storage space, etc. There can be amenities that are only avaliable in the DDO store and Amenities that can be bought with in-game Plat.

    Don't make the upgrading as easy as the Airship upgrades. Personally, I think it is too easy to upgrade Airships.

    Maybe you should allow all characters on an account share the dwelling.

    This will give players incentive to stay on an continue to play even on a capped toon, if they can continue to build their castle.

    Just a thought.
    Last edited by kinggartk; 11-08-2010 at 04:21 PM.

  2. #2
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    Unless they do it like SWG which they cant I have zero interest.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    By the way, this shouldn't be any harder for Coding than Airships.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post

    By the way, this shouldn't be any harder for Coding than Airships.
    Star wars galaxies before NGE and didnt think it would be hard to code but why bother? in SWG players could build towns and people could see the outside of your house and if you didnt lock it up you could let people come in anytime they wanted to look how you decorated it my wife's and my house was worth billions of credits with the rare items we had in it as well the trophies we had was the thing that made quitting the game about the hardest even though they had killed the game as far as I was concenred

    If the house is just an instance just like the guild ship where you have to do an active invite and people cant see how impressive it is from the outside I see no point and they cant do what would be my interest in such as we dont have a real world we play in with prime locations to compete for.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  5. #5
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    I would like it purely for the ability to store more items. With all these 2,3, and 5 piece sets coming out, most with Epic Versions, I just have no more room for things, and shared bank space does not help one lick.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Housing (guild ships) is fine as-is. I'd like devs to simply leave it alone or even remove guild ships/renown from the game entirely.

    I don't want dev resources wasted on stuff like this when they can focus on pvp instead.

  7. #7
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    My main goal would be give players who don't want to join a guild, the option of housing.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delt View Post
    Housing (guild ships) is fine as-is. I'd like devs to simply leave it alone or even remove guild ships/renown from the game entirely.

    I don't want dev resources wasted on stuff like this when they can focus on pvp instead.
    rather have housing then pvp but then I dont want housing really either how about content instead

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Unless they do it like SWG which they cant I have zero interest.
    I did not dig this in SWG. A lot of open terrain LITTERED with houses. Not really necessary, in my humble opinion.

  10. #10
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    Ways to make this awesome:

    - Allow decoration with items found while questing. Each dwelling has an item limit and you can put those items in an item like a chest for storage or on the walls or floors, etc. This could allow for the addition of new items that we could decorate our houses with like the various posters and paintings around town and the quests (always wanted the minotaur in the WW for example) and cool things to purchase at the DDO store.

    - Now to give it a point you allow the addition of people to your dwelling, and they take up residence there. To become a resident in a house you have to not be a resident in any other household, and then you donate your dwelling item space to the residence and gain the ability to move objects already placed around (but not pick them up without additional permissions from the owner) and the ability to set down/decorate with your own items. You can have say 5 people to start in a dwelling if you want, and then you can unlock additional dwelling slots with favor. So a guild could have a large home instance with tons of storage and trophy rooms, etc.

    - Allow access to strangers with the "look but don't touch" policy enforced by the code. This way anyone can come in if you are meeting at a home, or they can come in and see, etc. Perhaps you make your dwelling "open/closed to the public" in the admin options of the dwelling.

    Create dwelling centers in all the main public areas that can hold housing instances, etc. When entering a housing district you go to a guildship access looking building, click on it and it pulls up a list of housing with "Your Dwelling" listed first, "Dwellings you have special access to" second and then "Public Dwellings" listed alphabetically following.

    I have more ideas, but I'd like some feedback before prattling on.

  11. #11
    Community Member Anthorin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtiumDrag View Post
    Ways to make this awesome:

    - Allow decoration with items found while questing. Each dwelling has an item limit and you can put those items in an item like a chest for storage or on the walls or floors, etc. This could allow for the addition of new items that we could decorate our houses with like the various posters and paintings around town and the quests (always wanted the minotaur in the WW for example) and cool things to purchase at the DDO store.

    - Now to give it a point you allow the addition of people to your dwelling, and they take up residence there. To become a resident in a house you have to not be a resident in any other household, and then you donate your dwelling item space to the residence and gain the ability to move objects already placed around (but not pick them up without additional permissions from the owner) and the ability to set down/decorate with your own items. You can have say 5 people to start in a dwelling if you want, and then you can unlock additional dwelling slots with favor. So a guild could have a large home instance with tons of storage and trophy rooms, etc.

    - Allow access to strangers with the "look but don't touch" policy enforced by the code. This way anyone can come in if you are meeting at a home, or they can come in and see, etc. Perhaps you make your dwelling "open/closed to the public" in the admin options of the dwelling.

    Create dwelling centers in all the main public areas that can hold housing instances, etc. When entering a housing district you go to a guildship access looking building, click on it and it pulls up a list of housing with "Your Dwelling" listed first, "Dwellings you have special access to" second and then "Public Dwellings" listed alphabetically following.

    I have more ideas, but I'd like some feedback before prattling on.

    Hmmm. So this is some sort of manhood comparison? ;-) Why not simply by a Porche or Ferrari?

  12. #12
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    More storage space!!!! thats the only thing I would use housing for, my house would have 4 walls and no furniture cept for inbuilt chests and vaults.

  13. #13
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthorin View Post
    Hmmm. So this is some sort of manhood comparison? ;-) Why not simply by a Porche or Ferrari?
    In that case why dont we get mounts? lolz

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post

    We have Guild how about Character Housing? Allow Characters to build dwellings for themselves with various amenities. Low level players start with a shack, or even maybe an apartment (For a cost of course). Until they get a dwelling, each character will be homeless.

    They can start with a shack and continue to upgrade all the way to a Castle with servants, teleporters, storage space, etc. There can be amenities that are only avaliable in the DDO store and Amenities that can be bought with in-game Plat.

    Don't make the upgrading as easy as the Airship upgrades. Personally, I think it is too easy to upgrade Airships.

    Maybe you should allow all characters on an account share the dwelling.

    This will give players incentive to stay on an continue to play even on a capped toon, if they can continue to build their castle.

    Just a thought.
    /signed. absolutely signed
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  15. #15
    Community Member tunabomber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post

    We have Guild how about Character Housing? Allow Characters to build dwellings for themselves with various amenities. Low level players start with a shack, or even maybe an apartment (For a cost of course). Until they get a dwelling, each character will be homeless.

    They can start with a shack and continue to upgrade all the way to a Castle with servants, teleporters, storage space, etc. There can be amenities that are only avaliable in the DDO store and Amenities that can be bought with in-game Plat.

    Don't make the upgrading as easy as the Airship upgrades. Personally, I think it is too easy to upgrade Airships.

    Maybe you should allow all characters on an account share the dwelling.

    This will give players incentive to stay on an continue to play even on a capped toon, if they can continue to build their castle.

    Just a thought.
    If you want that ****,go play lotro.I mean really who cares about a **** house for their chars.

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  16. #16
    Community Member Devilteck's Avatar
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    Still not sure why they went with guild ships instead of guild castles, imho there are many more amens to upgrade in a castle than there is in a ship. But something is better than nothing. Also i'm in favor of Account Castles..oooh maybe that will be next.

  17. #17
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devilteck View Post
    Still not sure why they went with guild ships instead of guild castles, imho there are many more amens to upgrade in a castle than there is in a ship. But something is better than nothing. Also i'm in favor of Account Castles..oooh maybe that will be next.
    They went with Airships because it fits well into Ebberon Lore. It makes it "feel" more like Ebberon as opposed to generic castles.

  18. #18
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flynnjsw View Post
    They went with Airships because it fits well into Ebberon Lore. It makes it "feel" more like Ebberon as opposed to generic castles.
    Yeah, we always dreamed of ship which can't take you anywhere.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  19. #19
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    Yeah, we always dreamed of ship which can't take you anywhere.
    There are transport options, and the graphics are supposed to look like you are actually moving, you can see them moving in the sky, what more is there that is not going to be a major drain on the servers, and a major drain on time spent on something more worthwhile?

  20. #20
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flynnjsw View Post
    There are transport options, and the graphics are supposed to look like you are actually moving, you can see them moving in the sky, what more is there that is not going to be a major drain on the servers, and a major drain on time spent on something more worthwhile?
    What I mean is:
    Why to choose guild house will be flying ship, if only locations it can take you to are accesible from marketplace?
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

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