I've been looking at the Archmage enhancement info on the DDO wiki, with a view to levelling my first ever Wizard toon.
It looks as though the first tier of each SLA chain only requires the Spell Focus feat for the school in question, and doesn't require the relevant Archmage spell mastery enhancement.
So in theory, I could buy Magic Missile and Hypnosis as SLAs at Lvl 6 (despite only having one of them as my designated Archmage school) and by Lvl 9 - if I swap my mastery school to Conjuration - I could have Web (as this is a 2nd tier ability, it requires mastery) and still keep Magic Missile and Hypnosis (as non-mastery tier 1 SLAs)
Of course, I would need 3 feats for spell focus, but by Lvl 9 I could have 7 (normal feats at lvl 1,3,6 & 9, class feats at 1 & 5 and human bonus feat), which would still leave room for toughness, mental toughness, extend, maximize - biggest loss there is probably heighten
Has anyone actually tried this in practice, and if so does it work? Would love to know this before I start grinding Waterworks and Kobold's New Ringleader again (yes, I'm an altaholic...)
Thanks in advance,
- doug