In numerical order:
In numerical order:
4. Improve quests – specifically, make NPCs walk faster and decrease the timers for gates in Delera’s; improvements to “The Crucible”.
6. Add the ability to dye your armor and robes.
20. Fix issues around spells – specifically the disparity in mana costs for commonly used, versus rarely used spells and spell descriptions. Remove or improve useless spells. Improve Ice Storm to be more like firewall.
47. Fix the “Known Issues” -
48. Fix performance issues; character switching memory leak and lag issues.
I'm all for fine tuning the content that you have before adding more. But that's just my humble opinion.![]()
In no particular order except for the first one, which SHOULD be #1.
Followed by:
14. Gnomes.
10. Druids.
29. Greensteel Deconstruction
in no order
3. Add some new 18th-20th level quests. (no epics)
24. Add *something* to fix to ranged combat. Maybe increased rate of fire, or increased crit-modifiers.
25. Fix armor-class. Make it more relevant at higher levels. Fix shields – give them more AC bonus.
6. Add the ability to dye your armor and robes. (i'd prefer more than dye)
23. Finish all of the existing prestige enhancements to tier III.
Other characters on Thelanis: Siwani, Linuya
Old characters on Devourer: Alairna, Siwani and many lowbies
no particular order: 3. 33, 34
Although, 3 is my prio one.
2. Add some new 14th-17th level quests.
6. Add the ability to dye your armor and robes.
10. Add druids as a new playable class.
15. Improve half-elves, both mechanically and aesthetically.
21. Add clerical domains for clerics.
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...
My choices.. from highest priority to lowest, though I did have to think about it a bit.
16 - kobolds
16 - adding kobolds as a playable race
16 - playing a kobold
16 - kobold player characters
16 - kobold characters
1. Add some new 10th-13th level quests.
6. Add the ability to dye your armor and robes.
10. Add druids as a new playable class.
47. Fix the “Known Issues” -
48. Fix performance issues; character switching memory leak and lag issues.
I narrowed it down to 11 and winced every time I deleted one, but I think these are the most important out of the list.
I actually have a less flip answer, though I do love kobolds, and would die of extreme nerdgasm if they were put in the game.
16 - Kobold player characters (sorry, couldn't help it)
26 - make sword and board useful .. (maybe with feats to give the advantages of shield blocking while you are not actually blocking, plus some higher AC shields)
25 - make high armor class useful (this helps fix 26 above)
10 - druids
XX (sir not appearing in this film) - teifling player characters
25. Fix armor-class. Make it more relevant at higher levels. Fix shields – give them more AC bonus.
30. Add more crafting options. Like, adding more damage types to weapons, or effects to items (i.e., more reasons to make collectibles actually useful beyond level 4).
44. Add the ability to share platinum via the shared bank.
18. Add spell component bags.
42. Remove the “fog of war” from wilderness areas once they have been explored.
So many good suggestions. Pick only five the OP says. Oh, what cruel fate led me to the forums today.![]()
47. Fix Known Issues
48. Fix performance issues; character switching memory leak and lag issues.
18. Add spell component bags.
6. Add the ability to dye your armor and robes.
2. Add some new 14th-17th level quests.
47 (sort of) - It's not on the known issue list but Bard PrE songs Spellsong Vigor and Sustaining Song need to be fixed to work on Warforged.
I'd be happy with a patch that just did that.
48 - Pipe dream, but a guy can dream right?
Here is my top 5:
1. Add some new 10th-13th level quests. +
Add some new 14th-17th level quests. +
Add some new 18th-20th level quests. +
= Add new 10-20 level quests
1a. Improve raid-flagging so that it is less painful (Stealer of Souls; ToD, I’m looking at you!)
2. Add the ability to dye your armor and robes.
3. Improve “sword-n-board” combat, like a feat line like TWF and THF both get.
4. Fix XP issues. For example, the 50% XP hit 1 level above the range for a wilderness area, and the huge discrepencies of “xp-per-min” for quests. In general, re-evaluate the XP for all quests.
5. Remove the “fog of war” from wilderness areas once they have been explored.
Other but absolutely necessary:
47. Fix the “Known Issues” -
48. Fix performance issues; character switching memory leak and lag issues.
49. Add the ability to be able to bind to your air ship.
50. Fix the bug that prevents NPCs from detecting items stored in inventory bags.
Good. Keep 'em coming.
Reminder: please reference the original suggestion # in your voting. Makes it so much easier for me to tally.
Also, if you insist on voting for things that don't exist in the list (e.g., tieflings) it doesn't get counted, since there is nothing to tally!
Unless it just gives you warm fuzzies.
In No order: