I've done some searching around the forums and the web but since this is one of the oldest raids in the game and since it has changed a few times over the years, finding information about it online is almost a useless endevor.
I'm working on soloing DQ raid on my clogue (not that I need trap skills but he is my only cleric with both evasion and quicken). He isn't the best equiped character in the world since I've just got around to grinding out his equipment. I do have access to 9th lvl cleric spells (17 lvls of cleric) and enough of a reflex save that her BB and spells don't affect me other than a 1.
In this post, I'm looking for suggestions that will make the process of learning the raid and soloing it easier. Of course the most obvious answer is to join a group and learn the raid first but I kinda like the idea of doing it solo the first time.
I am aslo not opposed to crafting a shroud item or 2 (preferably tier 2 for the clicky unless its an item thats going to help outside this quest as well).
I've been in there 3 times on this character and each time has been slightly more successful than the last. The only other time I've been into the raid was duo with a combo of characters that duo'd VoD but got slaughtered in this raid.
My first questions stem from the archers...is there a fairly simple way to neutralize them or is blur and hiding near the pillars my best option? I've read that they respawn so killing them doesn't seem to be an option...maybe hitting them with a couple energy drains? How much AC is needed to make it so they simply aren't an issue (or is it even possible)?
After I get her to come to the platform, it doesn't seem to be a problem just kiting her through BB...but of course it is a very unforgiving strategy since if she ever catches up once, I'm dead. Her overrun is not something I can survive currently since her attack + being knocked down and hit with arrows from the archers excedes my 370hp... any suggestions here would be appreciated. Also, occasionally, I do roll a 1 on her wrack spell which also means doom for me.
Any suggestions would be helpful...