So I have a Dwarven bard that I respecced to Spellsinger from Warchanter and I've been enjoying it a ton. The extra spellpoints, the various SP songs, and the boosts to UMD have made it so I don't miss Ironskin Chant and the extra +1/+2 too much. Now that I've started to get him closer to the point where he'll begin running endgame raids, I have started to wonder how I should aim to gear him.

To give some background, he's an 18 Bard/2 Fighter build that only has enough charisma to cast spells (plus some wiggle room). Max STR, high CON, THF with Greataxes. In trying to balance the desire for the best possible personal DPS with some healing capability, this is a rough sketch of what I've come up with:

Goggles: Tharne’s Goggles
Head: Minos Legens
Neck: Torin’s Choker/Torc
Trinket: Bloodstone (Litany as my ultimate goal)
Cloak: Earthgrab Cloak (45 HP)
Belt: Colethenis’ Belt
Ring 1: Ring of the Ravager (+2 STR)
Ring 2: Warchanter’s Band ( +2 CON)
Gloves: Concordant Opposition (Blindness Ward/150 SP)
Boots: Striding/Boots of the Innocent/Firestorm Greaves
Bracers: Bracers of the Glacier
Body: DT Robe (GFL/20% Healing Amp/Destruction)

Weapons: Lit II Greataxe, Epic Antique Greataxe

This seems pretty good, but I don't know if some of my decisions are limiting future options should I really gear him out with epics. I'm planning for the Epic Antique Greataxe since it isn't that hard to come by, and since I want to save large ingredients by not crafting a Min II. However, beyond that, I'm not precisely sure.

Any assistance/insights about more optimal ways to plan his gear would be much appreciated.