/not signed
A shared bank isn't a necessary part of the game. It is a convenient way to transfer stuff around without having to mail one item at a time.
It is also extra bank storage. It is getting bigger with the third shared bank extension. Fifty slots is really nice to have.
It is included with the VIPs rent so it is kind of a perk. Anyone else that spends TP will always be able to access their stuff that they put in there.
While is it incredibly convenient, it isn't game breaking to not have one. It is also very expensive because it is a very valuable convenience.
Pony up the points or just go without.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
You want it, pay for it.
Last edited by shores11; 11-08-2010 at 08:08 AM.
Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
Guild Leader of Legends: Where adventurers are born & Legends live.
Motto: Enjoy the game, loot and XP will follow
Alteccz- 20 WF wiz• Cryisa- 6 ranger 5 fighter 2 monk helf(helves angel)
Thank you Gary - 3/4/08
I got the 6900 TP for $50, and then bought the shared bank during the 50% off sale, so it was super cheap.
The shared bank is very worth it, even at full price! If you've got a hagglebot toon, all of your toons can dump their stuff into the shared bank for the hagglebot. Although it would be nice to be able to mail BTA items, the shared bank account make things much more convenient.
"Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk
Shared bank means 20 more slots to store gear in also.
It is more useful than Gianthold as you will more than likely access it every time you play.
If you have a haggle bot, you can buy gear and shift it around at much better prices for yourself.
You are paying for usefulness of the utility that is guarantied, not a random chance for loot.
/not signed.
Is this the part where someone comes in and screams about the game is a lie, it claims to be free but it isn't?
Dont get me wrong, i agree the shared bank is worth every penny. I also agree that BTA items should be allowed to be mailed to another toon on your account.
The shared bank has way more uses than shipping BTA items around.
The only reason BTA items cant be sent in mail is the lack of an appropriate tag and check system for items going through the mail. There is currently no way for the mail system to tell the difrence between toons on 1 account vs toons on another account.
The PAY for it you F2Per is not a constructive reply. A beter reply would include what other benifits the shared bank provides or saying that you can farm the TP to get the shared bank.
I use my shared bank for transfering loot to be sold by my bard, for holding my crafting ingredients, for holding things i have no more room for. There are many uses for shared bank and it is worth every turbine point I spent on it.
There is always room for improvement. DDO is no difrent. I have bin here since day one and will be here till they unplug the servers.
Shared bank is now available to be 50 slots???? I only have 40! I am behind the times!!!
/not signed for mailing bta stuff in the regular mail.
Not sure if it should be available after you get shared banking, or as an option for all characters/account.
I have bought shared banking on my main account, and it's quite handy.
I am also a bit of a packrat: I've got the extra slots up to 40, and I wouldn't mind more.
Sometimes I wish I could simply *mail* BtA gear to my hagglers/mules, instead of juggling around with chars, banks and inventories.
I don't know how feasible it would be.
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
The shared bank is essential to anyone who plays a few alts (moreso to any altoholics). Budget your points accordingly. (As mentioned above - you can pay anywhere from $5 to over $15 just for the bank. You can play this game for a lot less than the subscription rates go, but you will need a plan and buy things on sale).
Also note that you get 20 spots for over 1000pts. While it is the most convenient place to put any gear, it is also ridiculously expensive. You could get 60 spots (more with a little grinding) for about half that by buying a new character slot, and 120 spots by creating a new account with two new bank toons (of course they can't access the shared bank, so don't expect to bank bound to account gear).
And finally, not /signed. Sure, I'd be happier if turbine simply gave me all of DDO and left the servers on for free forever, but the Warner corp. might want some return on their investment. The shared bank is one of those must-buy items that you need to go from f2p with a few bought packs to getting the most out of your DDO time. Quite often those premium quest chains drop a bunch of vendor trash plus one really good thing for a different class (bound to account, natch). Having a shared account means not having to wait to TR to that class to make all items useful.
PS. Please don't blame me if you become an altoholic and your main never levels again.
Seems silly that you have a bound to account item that you can't trade between characters if you don't spend the TP. I'd say just start everyone with 1 shared bank slot to trade BtA items around and make having 20 cost the TPs. Or, alternatively, make 1 shared bank slot only like 400TP so it isn't as expensive.
Whoa, calm yourself. In a nutshell, VIP is pay less now and get everything but pay more in the long run. Where as paying for points is pay more now but less over the long run. I don't think VIP was ever intended to create class stratification. We aren't star bellied sneetches. There's nothing offensive about waiting for DDO points to go on sale, dropping $200 and buying every non consumable store item available because the player wants the content no strings attached. The downside there is that you need to be willing to drop a large chunk of cash immediately while the VIP player is getting all that content month to month for just $15. Consequently, people go VIP and DDO makes more money over the long run which is what any corporation is trying to do.