Here are some links for more info Irinis was working on that are pretty recent and helpful.
And here is the basis for what type I'm thinking you might like with a few modifications. It's the classic rocker build.
What I would suggest based on what you are looking at is a virt version of the classic rocker.
1: Toughness
1: Extend Spell
3: Negotiator (replace with 2 Handed Fighting after extra song IV is gained)
6: Power Attack
9: Maximize Spell
12: Improved Critical: Slashing (or piercing)
15: Improved 2 Handed Fighting
18: Greater 2 Handed Fighting
28 point: 18 STR; 8 DEX; 14 CON; 8 INT; 8 WIS; 14 CHA
If you have a 32 point build place the CON at 16 to start. Level ups go to STR.
(1): Focusing Chant, Master's Touch, Feather Fall
(2): Blur, Rage, Glitterdust, Invisibility
(3): Haste, Good Hope, Displacement
(4): Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door, Cure Critical Wounds
(5): Greater Heroism, Mass Suggestion, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Greater Dispel Magic
(6): Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Hero's Feast
Going this route is heavy on melee. The CC spells will suffer from less spell DC than some bards but the strong points are buffing and song CC going virt with maximize spell and sustaining song for healing.
You can change power attack, 2 handed fighting, improved 2 handed fighting, and greater 2 handed fighting in for Heighten, Quicken, SF: Enchantment, and Improved SF: Enchantment then swap starting STR and CHA with level ups going into CHA for spells. This would be more caster oriented.
Not necessarily in that order.
You would be relying on the virt CC abilities heavily either way for most of the CC with spell points going to buffs or burst healing. If you decide to go more caster Otto's Sphere of Dancing and Hold Monster become more important to look at.