Okay, I've been hearing all this whining about P.v.P and I figured a solution! Leave everything the same except add a simple feature. When challenging a player you may be able to "stake" something. Whoever wins, keeps both the stakes. It's that easy. You are still able to go into brawl for fun and not have any risk. You are still able to challenge parties and people just don't put a stake up. This way both people must agree to the terms (type of brawling area stash and pit I believe and the time settings) person or party with most kills wins the stake.
If multiple people in the party are staking then the platinum is divided between the group and if there are items involved, the items go to the party leader to further be divided equally or however they want!
Check out my guild If you want at
www.guildblaze.tk level 16 looking for all