On the one hand it's nice to see that the hate generation will finally work, and it's also nice to know I don't have to hit my divine righteousness button regularly, but on the other hand why is the hate generation being scaled back so much? It definitely seems like the hate generation modifier from DoS should be higher.
Edit: To be clear to the developers. I do not like this proposed change.
The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
"From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."
I do not think that the proposed change could keep agro effectively vs a raged barbarian for example, unless how we perceive the way the threat generation will work?
Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk
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Just a quick note - Madstone Rage stacks with defensive stances (at least it does with the Stalwart stance), you just have to get madstoned before you go into stance.
The fact that CE now prohibits any rage, including Madstone, and dispels it on entering CE, now THAT'S a problem.
Comfortably [d|n]umb
Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
WanderLust EuroTrash
if they turned intimidate to taunt and made it work like it does in WoW, im sure people would stop complaining, taunt is far more useful than anything we have here because it doesnt just give you aggro for 6 seconds, it puts you on top of the threat list regardless of where you were before (ie if you die, you can taunt and be back at top), so if someone pulls aggro, he can simply stop attacking and have a tank taunt and wait a while before attacking again.
I hope they are really reworking how hate is generated then. I thought these stances were supposed to allow S/B to be able to hold agro against heavy hitters. 50% is not going to cut it at all or be even close. Add to that that those defensive tanks are very gear strapped for space for hate generating items, this is not a good idea at all.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
I always envisioned paladins being hate tanks, which is why I was so surprised when they gave them intimidate. It seemed like a permanent band-aid instead of a proper fix.
Doesn't make much sense to me the expensive stance (in terms of feats, AP and turn undead) will now override the low level ability.
Maybe I will suggest this:
Defenders of Siberys stance provide no hate over good mobs, a certain extra hate to neutral mobs and much extra hate to evil mobs and >100% hate to mobs with "overwhelming aura of evil".
It will fit the class, be easy to implement (shintao is doing this) and satisfies the players (extra hate to evil is good, bonus extra to demons/devil/undead = very good)
and let divine righteousness stay not stacked as it is.
Merriam Webster tends to disagree.Originally Posted by www.m-w.com
I don't play DoS, KotC tasty damage ftw. I've LRed, have Intimidate as a class skill. Guild was doing an Epic Chronoscope last night, I was Intimidating to keep the big bad facing my way, but then I stopped... and realized that I didn't need to, because I already had established Hate via DPS. The parts where I turtled up were less productive, as I wasn't contributing to the party's Deeps, and healing was similar either way. (masses on the party and such).
So... perhaps with DoS, pop on the Divine Righteousness, pull out the Dual Epic Chaosblades or whatever tasty stuff you use, and go crazy? I dunno. Just tossing stuff out there.
Soooooooooo..... They are nerfing something that no one thinks works? .....and are fixing it so that it finally does work? I'll bet at some point they turned it off because it was overpowered. There is some aggro in game that is triggered by "auras", so Pally's automatically get aggro just by being in the vicinity..... Hey at least they are doing something to make it work...finally.
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a) I was just messing with the thread, didn't mean much by it (that's why all the)
Now on to my real statement:
Every day hundreds of discoveries are defined, yet it's our combined relative reality that usually ends up writing the history books.
Wonder if anyone will get the "head fake" in my Philosophical profession above.
They might stack. Consider the case of Inspire Competence, which claims to provide a +2 competence bonus and therefore ought not to stack with the competence bonus gear available to characters, but does. Judging from the release notes, they have not explicitly stated that Righteousness and DoS will not stack. It would be incredibly annoying to try and test it, though, so I hope they explicitly state either way which it is.