I can second this. With the introduction of half orc to the game, a ton of players just rolled a new toon or reincarnated. Try finding a a good greataxe on ah right now? All servers are bare. There seems to be the same random tendon slice junk across all servers. a few axiomatic axes, couple of ghost touch ones. anything nice is crazy overpriced. The higher level newly created half orcs are in dire needs of some good weapons. Hence the demand for large scales and shroud/vale ingredients is through the roof right now.
It will go back down eventually, when the Half orc fad dies down a bit. Best to just avoid ah for a little bit unless you got the plat to burn. I used the antique greataxe and carnifex until level 12 when i could use some stuff i had horded away on my battle bard i just rolled up. Both those weps got the job done right up to vale. Sacrificed a bit of dps rather then spend every dime i had on a axe worthy of swinging.
Hopefully stuff starts evening out soon :/