I've never run it, but a couple of my friends who have say that its getting hard to find groups.
Are there groups out there running it regularly?
is so, please mail, pm or post. My Pally wants to see (help kill) Velah
Araxus on Orien
I've never run it, but a couple of my friends who have say that its getting hard to find groups.
Are there groups out there running it regularly?
is so, please mail, pm or post. My Pally wants to see (help kill) Velah
Araxus on Orien
I am in the process of running the newest group of alts through VON flagging now and would be happy to try and find a spot for you. Look for Jhogo in-game as he is my most played character these days.
Orien - Ygritte, Obara. Others who aren't worth mentioning
There was a pug for it last night... took two tries because someone charged the dwarf and locked 5 people out... but a squelch and reform, completion. think there was an SoS, belt, 2 robes... not a bad night even with a bad apple
I see it run at-level occasionally, but I think many have become frustrated with those attempts. VoN5 is typically a long, drawn-out affair due to a large number of people not knowing the quest and not listening to whoever is trying to lead (often multiple persons, which doesn't help). Then there's a high chance of failure from someone charging the dwarf (see above) or a wipe in VoN6 due to poorly equipped toons (low hp, no fort, etc). I usually try to hit a few of these while levelling (VoN5 is decent exp, plus the chance at raid loot), but the success rate isn't high.
Higher-level groups (usually open 10-20) tend to take only 20-30 min in VoN5 and have an excellent success rate. There were a lot of these recently, but I believe those posting the LFMs either got what they wanted or started running VoN6 epic instead.
In any case, the raid isn't run as much as other raids (DQ, Fate, Shroud, etc), but there are postings from time to time.
I run VON all the time when I can get a group my name is Quazicotl lev 18 rogue I love the traps.
I play 12am est- 4 to 5 am est feel free to look for me
Edit: not a requirement but construct and dragon bane help
Last edited by crazy7381; 11-05-2010 at 12:30 PM.
I ran it the other day with an at-level PuG. The xp is great for this chain. We did a few quests around stormreach and I was like "lets do Von 1-4". The response was a resounding unanimous YES!!! It's actually popular with players that have done it and have the module because it's easy and has good xp.
Start your own group. It will fill fast right now with all these new horc characters
"Von 1-4 dragon flagging quests - p2p"
Reserve a spot for a wizard (for int runes and casting), trap smith, healer (or specify BYOH) and suggest everyone get deathblock items for the beholders for a smooth run.
Running these at level sounds difficult if you need heavy fortification and deathblock.
Would the tangleroot clicky and a light fort item do? I suppose one could be sneaky and get a nightforged gorget.
What's the min gear you should have for an effective run?
If you're running it at level and have good hit points, Moderate Fort will probably
get you through, but there are lot of heavy hitters in there, so Heavy is better.
You need deathblock because of the beholders - death ward won't cut it.
Get a robe - you can slap it on when the beholders pop, and put your armor
back on afterward.
Okay, so I'll have to sneak through the Sovereign Past quest tonight for some heavy fort.
I'm waffling on picking up the Red Fens pack. The Sacred Helm from there will give deathblock. Not sure how good I feel about taking off my tin can for a robe when fighting a beholder.
I suppose necro 2 can give that silver flame pendant, but that pack is not high on my list of buyables (only want 1&4).
I'll start at the AH for some deathblock. Not too sure what its worth tho. I've got a lvl12 mabar cloak that i'l be wearing in a few weeks.
A guildie of mine was just talking about how she's flagged on all her toons, but hasn't run the raid once... I told her I'd set one up in the near future so maybe I should get on that this weekend... I'll see about Sunday.
Are you looking to do it at level for XP, or just for loot? Either way, drop me a line if you see me online (I've been playing Monnik most of the time lately) or just anyone from CSI: Stormreach and we'll try to work out the timing.
On Orien: Ruprect the Monkey Boy lvl 16 Radiant Servant - Wilkes Booth lvl 20 Assassin - Schermo Savage lvl 14 Archmage - Monnik Savage - lvl 5 Monk (Life 2) - Saakaa Savage - lvl 6 Archmage
On Cannith I see very few pugs advertised on lfg. I think most (certainly most xp runs) are guild only. If you can get enough to do the levers, I would suggest finishing von5 and putting up an lfg just for 6. Seems to speed things up.
I just did that for the Bracers recently.
I'm actually enjoying Red Fens. I've gotten some good drops, including the
Boots of the Mire (ML:7 Underwater Action, BtA). Good slot for UA.
It works. Beholders have no melee attack, so most armor is irrelevant against
them, anyway.
I hear that, but I bought Necro 2 anyway, and whenever I see an LFM up for
Shadow Crypt, I jump in to get my necklace. Worth it!!
I try to stick to the "do each difficulty level once for xp" guideline as not to waste the first time boost. What I'm really after is the SoS (toon is a THF Pally (burst)). That said, I can wait for loot, it will always be there.
I'll add that there are a few higher lvl (12-15) toons in my guild (The Hidden Blade Academy) that have the VoN raid flagged, but say it doesn't get run as often. I think we can work something out.
I'll drop you or someone in your guild a line along with others who have expressed interest. It would be good to get a couple reliable raiding crews together for this one. Maybe one 8-11 and another 12+.
I've never been through it myself (obviously from the post), but I do pride myself on following the instructions of more experienced players.
Araxus on Orien
Last edited by Khumbaaba; 11-05-2010 at 03:31 PM.
VON3 is one of the best level-appropriate XP quests, right up there with Shadow Crypt and Wiz King.
VON5/6 is ok XP at level, but a little more tedious without abundant step or leap of faith. At level 20, it's trivial to complete VON 5/6 with four people if you're looking to farm completions or base items. Velah has laughable hitpoints on anything but epic.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
I run it on epic only. It's worth the effort for the SoS and several other potential items that drop. Red scales also sell for quite a bit.
Yes. Iirc, I got one on normal.
But in order to epicify the SoS you need to do epic quests. I'm not sure if there are parts of the eSoS (Shard/Scroll/Seal) which drop exclusively in EVoN5-6, but I am also interested in an answer to the question.
There are sometimes VoN PUGs up. Some of these are done by myself and some are the nice "Do not look at the dwarf, do not talk to the dwarf; the dwarf is not your friend" VoNs.
In order to make the ESoS, you need 4 pieces
* The scroll of the ESoS (has a chance of dropping by killing mobs in any epic VON 1-6)
* The seal of the ESoS (has a chance of dropping in any chest in any epic VON 1-6)
* The shard of the ESoS (ONLY drops in VON6, the epic chest)
* The base Sword of Shadows (ONLY drops in VON6 in the warded (epic) chest on any difficulty)
•» ORIEN «• - •» OVER RAIDED «•
Main: Mitu, TR trainwreck (currently in life 13/25)
Alts: Hiromo (fvs), Grutche (fighter/pali/monk), Guyo (monk/fighter)