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  1. #21
    Community Member Stitch78's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    VoN is great for xp and loot. There is usually at least one newbie in the group and it can be fun helping someone learn the raid. It also has a fun layout and is actually a challenge at level, especially if you don't have twinked gear.

    That said, there is not much room for error, plenty of chances to wipe, only two shrines. Also, it seems to draw some of the . . . less desirable players . . . . I would say that nearly all of the names on my very short squelch list got there following a VoN run.

    Hmmm, I guess that brings me to VoN 1st time raid tips!

    1. If you are brand new, says so! New people are great!
    2. If you don't know, ask!
    3. If you don't know, DON'T TOUCH! Don't talk to the NPC's, pull the lever, click the item. Don't touch.
    4. If you have a +4 STR item, Bull's Strength will not boost your STR any more.
    5. If you have a +4 WIS item, Owl's Wisdsom will not boost your WIS any more.
    6. Listen.
    7. If someone puts up a DDoor, take it.
    8. Do not put up your own DDoors.
    9. Do not help with the puzzle.
    10. If someone asks, "Who has the XXX" actually open your inventory and look to see if you have the XXX, then, close your inventory and stop breaking rule #3.
    11. The boss in the first part of the raid is immune to elemental attacks. Stop fireballing and acid bursting it.
    12. Don't chain lightening it either.
    13. Your mana and health will reset before you go to fight the dragon. Don't save mana in first part's boss fight.
    14. I know he said it's a baseball diamond and you're supposed to go to 2nd base. But don't run run over the pitcher's mound to get there.
    15. Don't range the dragon. She will wing buffet everyone to death. It will be your fault. I saw you using that bow after the leader told you not to range the dragon. I don't care that you didn't bring any melee weapons. Just stand there and cast cure light wounds on me.
    16. Re-read rule #6 again. This implies not babbling over your mic about how great you lighting bolt wand is. Less talking because we're all trying to listen to the leader. We can't hear him because you just spent two minutes explaining that your superior glaciation gear makes your sleet storm spells uber L33T.
    17. Do not break rule #3. Pretty pretty please.
    ^^ What he said.

  2. #22
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Thanks for the rule list

    +1 rep

    There were a couple of LFMs for VoN over the weekend, but the timing didn't work out for me.

    What would be a good bit of text to put in the LFM if I wanted to start my own group? I would obviously need an experienced player to pass lead to...


  3. #23
    Community Member Llewndyn's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default it doesn't seem to just be VoN though...

    On Ghallanda, VoN, SOS, TOD, DQ, Kobold Assault, none of these powerful raids ever get run... Shroud runs are SORTA regular, but nowhere near as commonplace as you would think... I put up an LFG for SOS and got nothing but snarky comments and random insults to my reproductive capacity for 45 minutes before I hung it up and called it a night. It's amazing, I mean outside of being level 20 who turns down 15-25k XP? What missions are so important you cannot take some time out of your day to run a raid?
    Ghallanda - LLEWNDYN 27 Necro Wiz (completionist) + other random uncared for players - Blackmoor Defenders
    Thelanis - Llewndyn (FVS), Brickadoom Jenkins (barb/ ftr)
    Quote Originally Posted by jandhaer View Post
    Nerf Happiness

  4. #24
    Community Member Stitch78's Avatar
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    Red face

    Haha, someone neg'd me for the rules list. I guess they really really want to brag about their wand of flamearrow.
    ^^ What he said.

  5. #25
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    I've been hoping for a chance to try this one too. The pack went on sale and I bought it when I was level 10, but now I'm 12 (level 13 is banked) and haven't seen a group to run it with yet.

    I've also been looking for groups running the raids in Sands, but the couple times I've seen an lfg for them were times when I couldn't stay on for long.

    I think I'm good at following directions, and I don't touch anything unless I'm told to, so if anyone is running one of these and could add a lvl 12 or 13 paladin I'd appreciate it.

  6. #26
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bozone View Post
    I've been hoping for a chance to try this one too. The pack went on sale and I bought it when I was level 10, but now I'm 12 (level 13 is banked) and haven't seen a group to run it with yet.

    I've also been looking for groups running the raids in Sands, but the couple times I've seen an lfg for them were times when I couldn't stay on for long.

    I think I'm good at following directions, and I don't touch anything unless I'm told to, so if anyone is running one of these and could add a lvl 12 or 13 paladin I'd appreciate it.
    I've got a lvl 10 pally that likes to run in the sands. I done the undead side farming for bloodstones and xp partied with a lvl 15 monk with good success (no bloodstones yet). Send me an in game mail. I'm usually on from 7-10 weekdays.

    Araxus on Orien

  7. #27
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stitch78 View Post
    Haha, someone neg'd me for the rules list. I guess they really really want to brag about their wand of flamearrow.
    ...or because you were forgetting "The dwarf is not your friend."
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

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