I don't have non-TRd melees. This means I don't have any melees that cannot give themselves a buff they REALLY want
Everything else is not required, I really don't break a sweat about it.
My biggest problem was with the tone of the replies. In most high-end content casters are buffers.
wrong. Casters are buffers early on because they don't have the great damage spells they have in endgame content. If you think casters are there solely to buff either you do not know what a caster does or you have played with some crappy casters. Try ANY quest with large mobs and have the caster ONLY buff and you needlessly waste resources. Now imagine an elite VOD where a caster says sorry I won't buff when the party stands before Horoth.
"Sorry I WONT buff is different from 'Sorry I don't HAVE that buff. Time, resources wasted, and I can't post an lfm that I want an arcane with haste/blur/gh/RE/PE/rec/OID, etc, etc. I'm sorry but these are taken as granted.
Apparently not since a caster didn't have them... if you NEED a buff to do a mission, buy a pot, a scroll or a wand. Can we as casters then take as granted that the melees have a stack of pots so we don't have to babysit red bars? This street goes two ways. And also, I really want to know beforehand who are those casters which think they do us a favor by buffing, hence the blacklist.
*raises hand* yes, unless it is stated in the LFG BEFOREHAND that "All casters are required to buff" then we are doing you a FAVOR. Those are my spells, that is my SP bar, unless you are gonna sugardaddy me a few SP pots I will do with said bar as I please. Blacklist away.
And what I find most ridicolous that I actually have to tell why is it wrong that a caster doesn't buff. Because most of the high-end content cannot be run alone,
Actually, most of the high end content I have seen (not all by any means, but the slight majority) can EASILY be run by a semi-competent caster and a hireling (which a lot of people still count as soloing), it's the character who doesnt have pots and thinks he is gonna zerg bastion that leads to failure and degradation by his peers not by melee, not by caster, not by divine. They are all needed, so behave accordingly. Melees shouldn't ask for unneeded buffs, and anyone who has the buffs should hand them out.
Just to be fair, I would be upset on a melee if he whines that stupid caster didn't give him GH and didn't kept him displaced during p1 of shroud