Congrats Uma! I love the look of contentness on her face, I miss that feeling holding the lil one sleeping in your arms. Hope she is a good sleeper :P
Miss ya!
Congrats Uma! I love the look of contentness on her face, I miss that feeling holding the lil one sleeping in your arms. Hope she is a good sleeper :P
Miss ya!
Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).@>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@
Very nice! Congrats!
Did you customize this build, or select one of the premade paths?![]()
Have a nice day!
Many gratz Uma on your +10 offspring of sleeplessness 30![]()
LEGION - Long Live XoriatDrakfuMnkDrakbahBrbDrakkoniquePMDrakkennPMDrakabethRn18/M/RoDrakkleeBowfajDrakketteSorDrakardiSorDrakfeyFVSDrakmereFVSDrakicerArtDrakkenaPalDrakkerrBrdDrakkessaDruDrakulKenDrakkorethClc32pt 34pt 36pt 7+TR
Holy cow look at that full head of hair!!!!
So cute brotha man, GRATZ!!!!!
You may have gimped her by putting all her build points into CHA...
She is gorgeous, many congratulations and *huggles*
...and a wish that you actually manage to get some sleep sometimes, too...
(Missed this when it was posted... and I'd been watching for news too... *pout*)
Erotavlas born 01/2010 - completionist - actually Ranger 11 - Monk 6 - Pally 3
Congrats and +1 on your +1
There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.